Research groups
Research projects
Teacher Education Schools and Teacher Education Workplaces in Vocational Teacher Education
Development of an organizational theoretical, didactic model for collaboration between educational institution and field of practice.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Watz, Siw Helen Martinsen
; Ingstad, Kari
Multitasking og acting
helsefagarbeiderlærlingers strategier for å
imøtekomme krav og forventninger.
Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling.
Vol. 8.
Watz, Siw Helen Martinsen
Selvstendige helsefagarbeidere i morgendagens helsetjeneste.
24 p.
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 12.
Watz, Siw Helen Martinsen
; Ingstad, Kari
Keeping calm on a busy day—an interpersonal skill home care patients desire in health workers: hermeneutical phenomenological method.
10 p.
BMC Nursing.
Vol. 21.