Fields of study
Subject areas
Citizenship Fertility Familylife, parenting, child-care Gender and Workin life Work and Family Innovation in the public sector Nordic welfare states Welfare services
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Crossbow: Crossing and Managing Boundaries between Work and Non-Work – Co-creating Healthy Teleworking
In this project we aim to map, explore and understand the opportunities and challenges of telework, and to contribute to enhanced organizational preparedness for healthy, sustainable and productive teleworking.
Flex-IT – A mixed-method study of cross-domain information technology use in everyday life
The emergence of new technology has increasingly blurred the boundaries between work and family domains, and the consequences for the health and productivity of the labor force remains unknown. These contradictory perspectives make it important to understand to what extent, when and for who cross-domain IT use is healthy and/or unhealthy.
NEET: Preventing sick leave and marginalization in young adults
Despite the increasing costs of early school leaving and failures to integrate into the adult workforce, it is still unknown what the determinants to unhealthy school-to-work transitions are.
REFLEX – Revising work time flexibility policies to promote work inclusion
In the REFLEX project, we investigate the relationship between work-time flexibility and work inclusion.
Completed research projects
Family Partner – Co-development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Child Maltreatment Prevention Intervention
The Family Partner project seeks to improve the services directed at the most vulnerable group in society; children growing up at risk of maltreatment.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Finne, Joakim
Pedersen, Eirin
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira
Tøge, Anne Grete
Examining the Complexities of Conducting Randomized Controlled Trials in Child Welfare Settings.
Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health (EPCAMH).
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira
Finne, Joakim
Tøge, Anne Grete
; Maiken, Pontoppidan; Dion, Jacinthe;
Pedersen, Eirin
Interventions to Reduce Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review with a Narrative Synthesis.
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
Pedersen, Eirin
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira
Finne, Joakim
; Pontoppidan, Maiken; Dion, Jacinthe; Tømmerås, Truls;
Tøge, Anne Grete
Family Partner: study protocol for a pilot randomised study of a home-visitation intervention in Norway.
7 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Egeland, Cathrine
Ingelsrud, Mari Holm
Pedersen, Eirin
Fremmedgjort på hjemmekontor?.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 6.
Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir
Pedersen, Eirin
Egeland, Cathrine
Diskriminering? Konsekvenser av graviditet og permisjonsuttak i arbeidslivet.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Vol. 38.
Breit, Eric
Fossestøl, Knut
Pedersen, Eirin
Kunnskapsbasert praksis innenfor en samstyringsmodell
En analyse av satsingen «Praksis- og kunnskapsutvikling i Nav-kontor».
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 22.
Sletten, Mira Aaboen ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Pedersen, Eirin ; Seland, Idunn (2019). Grenser for skolens ansvar? Skolelederes perspektiv på mandat i det frafallsforebyggende arbeidet. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. Vol. 96.
Breit, Eric
Fossestøl, Knut
Pedersen, Eirin
A knowledge hierarchy in labour
and welfare services?
Evidence-based and
practice-based knowledge
in frontline service innovation.
International Social Security Review.
Vol. 71.
Ellingsæter, Anne Lise;
Pedersen, Eirin
Institutional Trust: Family Policy and Fertility in Norway.
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society.
Vol. 23.
Pedersen, Eirin (2014). Jakten på en foreldreskapskontrakt – arbeidsvilkårs betydning for fruktbarhet. Sosiologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 22.