Norwegian version
Selma Therese Lyng

Selma Therese Lyng

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Scientific publications

Lyng, Selma Therese ; Hægeland, Linda; Aanerud, Henriette; Restad, Frode (2023). Relasjonsbygging og profesjonsutvikling for FoL i skolen. Walseth, Kristin; Standal, Øyvind Førland (Ed.). Folkehelse og livsmestring - med utgangspunkt i fagene. Universitetsforlaget.

Lyng, Selma Therese ; Horton, Paul (2022). Qualitative Methods in School Bullying and Cyberbullying Research: An Introduction to the Special Issue. 4 p. International Journal of Bullying Prevention. Vol. 4.

Lyng, Selma Therese (2020). Fellesskapende klasseledelse. Christensen, Hanne; Ulleberg, Inger (Ed.). Klasseledelse, fag og danning. 2.utgave. p. 100-122. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Lyng, Selma Therese ; Hagen, Aina Landsverk (2019). Barn og unges deltakelse i forskning: Muligheter og utfordringer. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. Vol. 3.

Saltkjel, Therese ; Tøge, Anne Grete ; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Borg, Elin; Lyng, Selma Therese ; Wittrock, Christian ; Pålshaugen, Øyvind ; Fossestøl, Knut ; Christensen, Hanne ; Lund, Torbjørn (2018). Research protocol: A cluster-randomised study evaluating the effects of a model for improving inter-professional collaboration in Norwegian primary schools. International Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 91.

Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Lyng, Selma Therese (2018). Elevenes psykososiale miljø: Gode strategier, harde nøtter og blinde flekker i skolemiljøarbeidet. ISBN: 9788245021912. 139 p. Fagbokforlaget.

Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Lyng, Selma Therese (2018). Relational aggression among boys: blind spots and hidden dramas. Gender and Education. Vol. 30.

Lyng, Selma Therese (2018). The social production of bullying: Expanding the repertoire of approaches to group dynamics. 11 p. Children & society. Vol. 32.

Halrynjo, Sigtona; Lyng, Selma Therese (2017). Fathers' Parental leave and Work-Family Division in Norwegian Elite Professions. Liebig, Brigitte; Oechsle, Mechtild (Ed.). Fathers in work organizations : inequalities and capabilities, rationalities and politics. p. 61-82. Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Lyng, Selma Therese ; Stefansen, Kari (2016). Godt nok foreldreskap? Arbeid-familie-tilpasninger blant mødre og fedre i konkurranseintensive karrierejobber. Halrynjo, Sigtona; Teigen, Mari (Ed.). Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. p. 179-199. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete