Norwegian version
Marlene Folkestad Persson

Marlene Folkestad Persson


Marlene Folkestad Persson is a senior researcher at the Section for Youth Research at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Oslo Metropolitan University. She has a MA in sociology from the University of Oslo, and a Phd (2022) in Social sciences from Oslo Metropolitan University. Persson studies inclusion in young peoples everyday life and in organized leisure activities. Her doctoral thesis explores gendered exclusion processes in youth sport. She is experienced in qualitive studies, including both interviews and field studies. She is currently co-leading the research project LIFECHANCES. The project analyse data fra Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database, and explores how life chance differentition are affected by processes outside and inside of education. She is also currently studying young people’s homogenous approaches to and engagement with the climate crisis.

Fields of study

Subject areas

Gender   Youth   Qualitative methodologies   Leisure Activities   Social Inclusion

Research groups

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Folkestad Persson, Marlene ; Rogstad, Jon (2025). Navigating critical phases in adversity in youth: Identification and reorientation. Journal of Youth Studies.

Folkestad Persson, Marlene ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (2025). Sports participation as a reflection of social inclusion in youth: a holistic exploration of sport within young people’s lives. Sport, Education and Society.

Persson, Marlene (2022). Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football. 17 p. Journal of Youth Studies.

Persson, Marlene ; Stefansen, Kari ; Strandbu, Åse (2020). Fotball som kjønnet mulighetsrom. Hvilken betydning har metafortellingen om kvinnefotball for unge jenters idrettsprosjekt?. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. Vol. 44.

Persson, Marlene ; Espedalen, Lars Erik; Stefansen, Kari ; Strandbu, Åse (2019). Opting out of youth sports: how can we understand the social processes involved?. 13 p. Sport, Education and Society.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete