In this project, we aim to gain knowledge about how and why youths experience stress and stressors.
Phase I
What is the connection between academic stress, body image, use of social media and experienced stress? What is the meaning of gender in terms of experienced stress? We employ existing data from the Ungdata survey and gather new data in order to provide a statistical overview and analyse statistical correlations. We also interview youths to explore why and how they may experience stress.
Phase II
In the second phase of the project, we aim to gain knowledge about how youths’ stress. The project consists of three parts.
- We will provide a statistical overview and analyse statistical correlations between different types of stressors and mental health in youths.
- We will investigate the meaning of parental involvement in relation to youths’ experiences of academic stress.
- We will investigate gendered interpretations and expressions of stress and stressors.
We employ existing data from the Ungdata survey and interview youths to explore why and how they may experience stress.
- Eriksen, I.M. (2020). Class, parenting and academic stress in Norway: middle-class youth on parental pressure and mental health. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (
- Pedersen, W. & Eriksen, I.M. (2019). Hva de snakker om når de snakker om stress. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift (
- Bakken, A.; Sletten, M.A. & Eriksen, I.M. (2018). Generasjon prestasjon? Ungdoms opplevelse av press og stress. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (
- Eriksen, I.M.; Sletten, M.A.; Bakken, A. & von Soest, T. (2017). Stress og press blant ungdom. Erfaringer, årsaker og utbredelse av psykiske helseplager. NOVA Rapport 6/17 (