Norwegian version

NOVA – Norwegian Social Research

NOVA is a research institute at OsloMet concentrating on studies in childhood, ageing, social policy and the welfare state. The institute is involved in many international research projects.

Recent publications

  • Aarland, K. & Santiago, A.M. (2023). Staying Afloat or Going Under: Mortgage Arrears in Norway's Starter Mortgage Program. Tidsskrift for boligforskning
  • Vasile, M. et al. (2023). Association Between Social Isolation and Mental Well-Being in Later Life. What is the Role of Loneliness? Applied Research in Quality of Life
  • Kafkova, M.P. et al. (2023). Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusion from Social Relation in Later Life? Polish Sociological Review
  • Jacobsen, S.E. (2023). Social class, disability, and institutional interactions: the case of families with disabled children in the welfare state, Disability & Society
  • Bell, J., Staver, A.B. & Tolgensbakk, I. (2023). State crisis response versus transnational family living: An online ethnography among transnational families during the pandemic, Migration Studies
  • Sørvoll, J. (2023). The great social housing trade-off. 'Insiders' and 'outsiders' in urban social rented housing in Norway. Housing Studies

See the researchers' employee pages for more publications.

Featured research

A son helps his old father pay bills online
Adult children increasingly help their elderly parents navigate the online world

New research from OsloMet reveals that adult children in Norway are more likely to help their elderly parents use the internet and their smart phone than with any other kind of task.

Young girl sitting on a couch looking down on a tablet on her lap.
Screen quality matters more than screen time

How much time children and teenagers spend looking at screens is on many parents’ minds. Yet researchers insist it is the quality of that time that should concern us most.

Elisbeth Ugreninov and Justyna Bell
Research on discrimination in employment

Elisabeth Ugreninov and Justyna Bell at OsloMet will lead a new EU project that will provide new insight into the conditions that either create barriers or facilitate the inclusion of different groups in working life.

A man entering a Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) office
Unemployment is harmful to your health – especially if you are a man

Men suffer more health problems as a result of unemployment than women, according to recent research from OsloMet.

Girls playing soccer outside at night.
Football for everyone—or mainly for boys?

The opportunities offered to boys and girls who play football in Norway are different, according to new research from OsloMet. ‘This can have consequences that go far beyond elite sports,’ says Marlene Persson.

Young man reading book in library.
Education is no guarantee against unemployment and poverty

Despite the increasing educational level of the population, the risk of becoming unemployed or becoming a social assistance or disability benefit recipient is not decreasing correspondingly, according to new research from OsloMet.

A toughtful young man sitting alone
Anxiety and depression more common among adults with ADHD

According to new research, there may be several reasons for this.

A lonely man wearing a hoodie and a baseball cap, seen from behind, as he gazes towards the evening sky.
Finding community in extremism

Sometimes, youth feel like strangers in their own countries. In the face of real and perceived injustices, some find community in extremism.

An adolescent girl busy using her phone.
Norwegian youth have handled the pandemic well

In spite of the challenges that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic, most Norwegian teenagers report high levels of life satisfaction.