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A woman in a white coat, viewed from behind, examines MRI images on a computer screen.
Using artificial intelligence to detect and fight dementia

Dementia affects millions of people each year. It’s a problem that most of us will encounter in our lives and it does not yet have any cure or even effective early detection methods.

River running through a lush and hilly green landscape
What happens when rivers are given rights?

Researchers have been looking at what happened when rivers were granted status as legal persons. In New Zealand, they are seeing particularly promising developments in indigenous peoples’ rights and conditions.

A group of individuals seated in a moving train carriage, passing by a factory, illustrating the Industrial Revolution era.
What the Industrial Revolution can teach us about today’s technological revolution

Technological revolutions have happened before, but none are quite so wide-ranging as the one we are currently living through. The past holds examples for how we can mitigate the negative consequences of and make sure the benefits don’t just go to those who already have power.

Collapsed bridge in a river.
Predicting extreme weather using artificial intelligence

Extreme weather events are hard to predict. New AI tools might just have the solution.

Black an white photo of children sitting on a wooden platform outside a store.
New research sheds light on mortality rate disparities in Alaska during the 1918 flu pandemic

Exposure to earlier illness likely holds the key to understanding why some groups in Alaska suffered disproportionately high death rates in the 1918 influenza pandemic, OsloMet researchers have found.

Elderly woman sitting on a couch with an open laptop and a paper form in front of her while talking on the phone.
Norway leading in digitalization, but not everyone is benefitting

Digitizing government welfare services is supposed to help make services more accessible to everyone. Are they unintentionally leaving people behind?

Cyclists on electric bikes on a sunny summer day
How to get more people to bicycle

In his new book, cycling researcher Daniel Piatkowski shows how we can get even more people out of cars and onto bikes.

Two people searching for something in a book at a library.
Making universal design truly universal

Examples of universal design are all around us but mostly focus on helping people with physical disabilities while designers often forget about accommodating cognitive disabilities.

Norwegian royal palace facade with the royal family on the balcony and graduating high schoolers walking and crawling on the ground in a parade dressed in red or blue "russ" outfits.
The Norwegian graduation celebration that bonds and divides students

To mark the end of 13 years of education, Norway’s high school graduates participate in a celebration characterized by unique outfits, and bedazzled buses.

Dark clouds and light clouds alternating, with a small opening in the cloud cover with more light.
What will the clouds above us be like in the future?

Artificial intelligence can now be trained to predict what the cloud cover will look like when the climate changes.

People in summer clothes walking across the Oslo Fjord on a floating bridge with the city of Oslo in the background.
The oil fund will not be there for our grandchildren

A close look at the principles governing the management of Norway’s oil fund shows that it may run out in two generations or less.

People standing in line on a sidewalk in a Norwegian city. Many carry empty shopping bags.
Slipping through the safety net

Norway and many other European countries have robust social safety nets. Yet they continue to fail their poorest citizens.