Norwegian version

The Network for Disability Research

Colorful selection of icons showing different disabilities.

According to the World Health Organization, around 15 percent of the population lives with some form of disability. Individuals with disabilities and their families may face many of the same challenges such as stereotypical attitudes, poor facilitation or provision of services and insufficient benefits.

Research on how such challenges affect the opportunities for educational, occupational and social participation among individuals with disabilities and their families are key topics at the research institute NOVA.

The network for disability research brings together knowledge across institutes, research groups and disciplines and counts members from NOVA and other parts of OsloMet.

The network members meet approximately once a month. Our ambition is to invite external and internal researchers to present their research during lunch-seminars to discuss work in progress, paper drafts and research proposals. 


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Selected publications

Gugushvili, A. m.fl. (2023). No evidence that social-democratic welfare states equalize valued outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Social science & medicine (

Østerud, K.L. et al. (2023). The exclusionary potential of work inclusion policies: Employers addressing their responsibilities towards disabled people. In Takle, M. m.fl. (Ed.): Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. Routledge (

Østerud, K.L. (2023). ‘It's not really Michael who wears me out, it's the system’: The hidden work of coordinating care for a disabled child. Critical Social Policy (

Finnvold, J.E. & Dokken, T. (2023). How school placement and parental social capital influence children’s perceptions of inclusion in school. A survey of Norwegian children with physical disabilities. European journal of special needs education (

Gugushvili, A. et al. (2023). Early-life impairments, chronic health conditions, and income mobility. The British Journal of Sociology (

Bøhler, K.K., Bossy, D. & Hervie, V.M. (2022). How Did Children With Disabilities Experience Education and Social Welfare During Covid-19?. Social Inclusion (

Wondemu, M.Y., Joranger, P., Hermansen, Å., Brekke, I. (2022). Impact of child disability on parental employment and labour income: a quasi-experimental study of parents of children with disabilities in Norway. BMC Public Health (

Bjørnshagen, V. (2022). Do Large Employers Discriminate Less? An Exploration of Company Size Variation in Disability Discrimination Based on Data from two Field Experiments. Work and Occupations (

Østerud, K. (2022). Mental illness stigma and employer evaluation in hiring: Stereotypes, discrimination and the role of experience. Sociology of Health and Illness (

Østerud, K., & Vedeler, J. (2022). Disability and Regulatory Approaches to Employer Engagement: Cross-National Challenges in Bridging the Gap between Motivation and Hiring Practice. Social Policy and Society (

Østerud, K.L. (2022). Disability Discrimination: Employer Considerations of Disabled Jobseekers in Light of the Ideal Worker. Work, Employment and Society (

See more publications at the researchers' employee pages.

Featured research

Elisbeth Ugreninov and Justyna Bell
Research on discrimination in employment

Elisabeth Ugreninov and Justyna Bell at OsloMet will lead a new EU project that will provide new insight into the conditions that either create barriers or facilitate the inclusion of different groups in working life.

A toughtful young man sitting alone
Anxiety and depression more common among adults with ADHD

According to new research, there may be several reasons for this.

Computer screen seen through the glasses of a man looking at the screen. Most of it is out of focus except the small part seen through the glasses.
Lack of knowledge affects people with visual impairments

"Employers do not know enough about visual impairment and therefore choose not to hire applicants," says research fellow Gagan Chhabra at OsloMet.