Norwegian version
Michal Kozák

Michal Kozák

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Human geography   Economics

Scientific publications

Ulset, Julie Ruud; Kozák, Michal ; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet (2024). Dekning av psykologer i kommunehelsetjenesten: Sosiale og geografiske ulikheter. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

Kozák, Michal ; Picot, Georg Johannes (2024). The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining introduction and levels. 19 p. British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Kozák, Michal ; Picot, Georg; Starke, Peter (2024). Do minimum wages crowd out union density?. 19 p. British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Kozák, Michal ; Bakken, Anders ; von Soest, Tilmann Martin (2023). Psychosocial well-being before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide study of more than half a million Norwegian adolescents. Nature Mental Health.

Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Venter, Zander; Kozák, Michal ; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; von Soest, Tilmann Martin (2023). Increased nationwide use of green spaces in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic. 9 p. Environment International. Vol. 180.

von Soest, Tilmann ; Kozák, Michal ; Rodriguez Cano, Ruben; Fluit, Sam; Cortes Garcia, Laura; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Ebad Fardzadeh, Haghish; Bakken, Anders (2021). Adolescents’ psychosocial well-being one year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Nature Human Behaviour.

Kozak, Michal (2021). The Work Ethic and Social Change in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – a Modernisation Theory Perspective. 24 p. Sociologický casopis. Vol. 56.

Kozák, Michal ; Kozak, Stefan; Kozakova, Alena; Martinak, David (2020). Is Fear of Robots Stealing Jobs Haunting European Workers? A Multilevel Study of Automation Insecurity in the EU. 5 p. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 53.

Kozak, Michal (2020). What Matters in a Job? A Multi-Level Study of Job Preference Orientations and the Intrinsic Quality of Work in 25 Societies. Societies. Vol. 10(3).

Kozak, Michal (2020). Cultural productivism and public support for the universal basic income from a cross-national perspective. European Societies. Vol. 23.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete