Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Ulset, Julie Ruud;
Kozák, Michal
; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet
Dekning av psykologer i kommunehelsetjenesten: Sosiale og geografiske ulikheter.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.
Kozák, Michal
; Picot, Georg Johannes
The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining introduction and levels.
19 p.
British Journal of Industrial Relations.
Kozák, Michal
; Picot, Georg; Starke, Peter
Do minimum wages crowd out union density?.
19 p.
British Journal of Industrial Relations.
Kozák, Michal
Bakken, Anders
von Soest, Tilmann Martin
Psychosocial well-being before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide study of more than half a million Norwegian adolescents.
Nature Mental Health.
Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Venter, Zander;
Kozák, Michal
; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson;
von Soest, Tilmann Martin
Increased nationwide use of green spaces in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic.
9 p.
Environment International.
Vol. 180.
von Soest, Tilmann
Kozák, Michal
; Rodriguez Cano, Ruben; Fluit, Sam; Cortes Garcia, Laura; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Ebad Fardzadeh, Haghish;
Bakken, Anders
Adolescents’ psychosocial well-being one year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.
Nature Human Behaviour.
Kozak, Michal
The Work Ethic and Social Change in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – a Modernisation Theory Perspective.
24 p.
Sociologický casopis.
Vol. 56.
Kozák, Michal
; Kozak, Stefan; Kozakova, Alena; Martinak, David
Is Fear of Robots Stealing Jobs Haunting European Workers? A Multilevel Study of Automation Insecurity in the EU.
5 p.
Vol. 53.
Kozak, Michal
What Matters in a Job? A Multi-Level Study of Job Preference Orientations and the Intrinsic Quality of Work in 25 Societies.
Vol. 10(3).
Kozak, Michal
Cultural productivism and public support for the universal basic income from a cross-national perspective.
European Societies.
Vol. 23.