Jane Dullum has her ph.d.-degree in criminology from the University of Oslo. She is currently working on a research programme on domestic violence at NOVA, and her research focuses on questions regarding legal strategies and domestic violence. Her resesarch interests also encompasses more theoretical approaches to questions of juridification and the rule of Law.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Institutions, Child Care, gender, residential child care institutions Domestic violence Juridification Rule of law
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
The Domestic Violence Research Programme
The programme studies time trends in the prevalence of violence and assault, violence as phenomenon, and how violence is approached by the welfare- and justice systems.
Completed research projects
Evaluation of a Pilot Project on Integrated Accommodation for Women and Men in a Crisis Center
An evaluation of the pilot project: Integrated accommodation for women, men and children at Romerike crisis center.
Knowledge on Technology-facilitated Sexual Abuse against Children and Adolescents – Offenders, the Offended, and Arenas
The project will generate new knowledge about sexual abuse of children and adolescents, with the main emphasis on technology-facilitated sexual abuse.
The Public Sense of Criminal Justice
The project aims to provide new knowledge on different aspects of the public sense of criminal justice in the Norwegian population.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bakketeig, Elisiv
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
Påtalemønstre i familievoldssaker.
Tidsskrift for strafferett.
Vol. 23.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke ; Fransson, Elisabeth ; Skotte, Sven-Erik (2022). Young Women in Norwegian Courts: A Study of Contemporary Control Strategies. Masson, Isla; Booth, Natalie (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Women's Experiences of Criminal Justice. Routledge.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke ; Andenæs, Kristian; Renland, Astrid (2020). En fengslende historie. Festskrift til KROM - Norsk forening for kriminalreform 50 år. ISBN: 978-82-530-4222-0. 368 p. Pax Forlag.
Stefansen, Kari
Smette, Ingrid
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
The ‘psychological turn’ in self-help services for sexual abuse victims: Drivers
and dilemmas.
14 p.
International Review of Victimology.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke ; Hennum, Ragnhild Helene (2019). Hjelper det at riksadvokaten har gode prioriteringer?. Sæther, Knut Erik; Kvande, Kersti; Torgersen, Runar; Stridbeck, Ulf (Ed.). Straff & frihet: Til vern om den liberale rettsstat. Festskrift til Tor-Aksel Busch. p. 301-314. Gyldendal Juridisk.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
Besøksforbud som beskyttelsestiltak.
Skjørten, Kristin; Bakketeig, Elisiv; Bjørnholt, Margunn; Mossige, Svein (Ed.).
Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak. p. 233-250.
Bakketeig, Elisiv
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
Stefansen, Kari
Samarbeid i saker om vold og overgrep. Mot en hybridisering av hjelpetjenestene?.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 22.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
Bakketeig, Elisiv
Bruk av legalstrategi mot vold i nære relasjoner.
Tidsskrift for strafferett.
Vol. 17.
Dullum, Jane Vibeke
En ny offerposisjon? : om styrkede rettigheter for fornærmede i straffesaker.
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab.
Vol. 103. årg. .
Dullum, Jane
Sentencing offenders with disabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research.
Vol. 17.