Sørvoll holds a PhD in history from the University in Oslo. His research interests include housing markets and housing policy, social policy and the welfare state in a comparative and historical perspective. Sørvoll has published articles in journals such as Housing, Theory and Society and Housing Studies, and heads HOUSINGWEL, the centre for housing and welfare research, a research centre funded by the Ministry of Local government and Regional Development.
Sørvoll headed the government policy commission on the Norwegian Rental Act (2023-2024). The commission submitted the report NOU 2024:19 Ny boligleielov (A new law regulating rental housing) on the 19th of October 2024.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Welfare state Housing Social housing
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Enabling Ageing in Place (AgePlace)
In this project the researchers aim to generate new knowledge on the precondition for safe ageing in place.
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
Completed research projects
Activity Friend for Persons with Dementia
The project addresses what role the "activity friend" volunteers play in municipal health care and for people with dementia in Norway.
Area Review of Housing Solutions and Health and Care Services for the Elderly
How can the state and municipality more effectively facilitate elderly people to age in place?
Disadvantaged in the Housing Market: Effects of Public Interventions (DISADVANTEGED)
This project aims to evaluate all major social housing policy instruments in Norway, aimed at helping disadvantaged individuals to better and more stable housing.
Housing Market and Housing Policy in Norway – an International Comparison
In this project the researchers compare central features of the Norwegian housing market and housing policy with those of Sweden, Denmark, Austria, UK, the Netherlands and Germany.
Housing Market Mobility in Old Age: Attitudes, Drivers and Barriers
The project adresses how elderly people adapt their housing consumption in light of the physical and mental changes associated with ageing.
Social Rented Housing in Oslo. Dilemmas in a Market-oriented and Means-tested Housing Sector
Social rented housing is one of the most important policy instruments in the municipality of Oslo’s social housing policy.
The Housing Bank – 75th anniversary
The project is an historical analysis of Norwegian housing policy and the Norwegian state’s Housing Bank in recent decades (1996-2020). An illustrated academic book in Norwegian based on a comprehensive selection of oral and written sources is the end goal of the project.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sørvoll, Jardar
Myrold Osnes, Siri
Brattbakk, Ingar
Needs-Tested and Market-Based Social Rented Housing: The Extreme Case of Norway?.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 7.
Brattbakk, Ingar
Sørvoll, Jardar
They must live somewhere! The geographical dimension of residualized social rented housing in urban Norway.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Sørvoll, Jardar
; Listerborn, Carina; Sandberg, Matilda Annemark
Housing and Welfare in Sweden, Norway and the wider Nordic region.
Grander, Martin; Stephens, Mark (Ed.).
The Routledge Handbook of Housing and Welfare. p. 88-106.
Sørvoll, Jardar
Tenure Security and Positive Freedom in Social Housing. Tenants’ Subjective Experiences in the Ambiguous Case of Oslo.
15 p.
Housing, Theory and Society.
Vol. 40.
Sørvoll, Jardar
The great social housing trade-off. ‘Insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ in urban social rental housing in Norway.
Housing Studies.
Solstad, Asgeir ; Astrup, Kim ; Bliksvær, Trond; Hansen, Inger Lise Skog; Iversen, Marit; Kjellevold, Alice; Nordvik, Viggo; Sørvoll, Jardar (2021). Boligsosialt arbeid. ISBN: 97-882-15-04149-0. 232 p. Universitetsforlaget.
Gautun, Heidi
Sørvoll, Jardar
Hjemmetjenester eller institusjonsomsorg? Et forvaltningskommunalt dilemma i norsk eldreomsorg.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 24.
Sørvoll, Jardar
Husbanken og boligpolitikken 1996-2021.
ISBN: 9788202711788.
312 p.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Kohl, Sebastian;
Sørvoll, Jardar
Varieties of Social Democracy and Cooperativism: Explaining the Historical Divergence between Housing Regimes in Nordic and German-Speaking Countries.
Social Science History.
Vol. 45.
Nordvik, Viggo; Sørvoll, Jardar ; Astrup, Kim (2021). Hvem er vanskeligstilt på boligmarkedet?. Solstad, Asgeir; Astrup, Kim; Bliksvær, Trond; Hansen, Inger Lise Skog; Iversen, Marit; Kjellevold, Alice (Ed.). Boligsosialt arbeid. p. 71-88. Universitetsforlaget.