Hans Christian Sandlie a Research Director at NOVA, Department of Ageing Research and Housing Studies. He has a Phd in sociology from The University of Oslo. Among his main research interests are housing, life course dynamics, transition from youth to adulthood, migration, family transfers and social inequality.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Housing market Housing Life-evolvement Housing careers Family transfers
Administrative field of work
Research infrastructure Research collaboration Contract work Organisational development Organisational development
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
Young People’s Establishment in the Housing Market
The project aims to generate knowledge about young people’s establishment in the housing market, including moving out from their parental home, experiences in the rental market, and establishment as homeowners.
Completed research projects
Area Review of Housing Solutions and Health and Care Services for the Elderly
How can the state and municipality more effectively facilitate elderly people to age in place?
Housing Market Mobility in Old Age: Attitudes, Drivers and Barriers
The project adresses how elderly people adapt their housing consumption in light of the physical and mental changes associated with ageing.
Migration for Welfare: Nurses within Three Regimes of Immigration and Integration into the Norwegian Welfare State (WELLMIG)
WELLMIG brings together the perspectives that migrants not only depend on, but also make significant contributions to the welfare state.
Social Inequality and Housing over the Life Course: Good Choices or Lucky Outcomes?
The project studies the interplay between housing and other dimensions of social inequality.
Survey of old peoples' living situation and housing preferences for the future
The project investigates the housing situation of the elderly and their housing wishes and plans for the future.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bøhle, Marit Karoline Cesilie; Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Sandlie, Hans Christian
; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti
Mulige konsekvenser av fortettingspolitikk for bokvalitet og subjektiv livskvalitet. En analyse basert på levekårsundersøkelsen 2018.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 7.
Sandlie, Hans Christian ; Magnusson Turner, Lena ; Nordvik, Viggo (2022). Boligmarkeder og boligkarrierer. Frønes, Ivar; Kjølsrød, Lise (Ed.). Det norske samfunn - Bind 3. p. 243-268. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Gulbrandsen, Lars
Boligmarkedets sistegangskjøpere - Hvordan kan private boligformue bidra til velferdsstatens økonomiske bærekraft?.
15 p.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 4.
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Gulbrandsen, Lars
The welfare state and family. Intergenerational tensions and solidarity within the housing sector.
Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir; Takle, Marianne; Britt, Slagsvold (Ed.).
Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States. p. 96-119.
Sandlie, Hans Christian ; Gulbrandsen, Lars (2018). Chapter 5: Homeownership and family transitions within a Nordic welfare state. Searle, Beverly A. (Ed.). Generational Interdependencies: The Social Implications for Welfare. p. 103-122. Vernon Press.
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Gulbrandsen, Lars
The Social Homeownership Model - the case of Norway.
Critical Housing Analysis.
Vol. 4.
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Sørvoll, Jardar
Et velfungerende leiemarked?.
15 p.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 20.
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Andersen, Patrick Lie
"Rotløs ungdom" - Ungdom, flytting og livssjanser.
Sosiologi i dag.
Vol. 46.
Sandlie, Hans Christian ; Magnusson Turner, Lena ; Nordvik, Viggo (2016). Boligmarkeder og boligkarrierer. Frønes, Ivar; Kjølsrød, Lise (Ed.). Det norske samfunn, bind 1.. p. 179-201. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Gulbrandsen, Lars
Sandlie, Hans Christian
Housing Market and Family Relations in a Welfare State.
Critical Housing Analysis.
Vol. 2.