Norwegian version
Kristin Aarland

Kristin Aarland

Fields of study

Subject areas

Housing   Urban studies   Social housing   Housing economics   Program evaluation

Research projects

Scientific publications

Aarland, Kristin ; Santiago, Anna Maria (2023). Staying Afloat or Going Under: Mortgage Arrears in Norway’s Starter Mortgage Program. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. Vol. 6.

Santiago, Anna Maria; Aarland, Kristin (2023). The Role of Forbearance in Sustaining Low-Income Homeownership: Evidence from Norway’s Public Starter Mortgage Program. Cityscape. Vol. 25.

Aarland, Kristin ; Reid, Carolina K. (2023). The impact of refinancing on housing outcomes among lower-income households. 26 p. International journal of housing policy.

Aarland, Kristin ; Santiago, Anna Maria (2023). Serious Mortgage Arrears among Immigrant Descendant and Native Participants in a Low-Income Public Starter Mortgage Program: Evidence from Norway. 28 p. Societies. Vol. 13.

Nordvik, Viggo; Aarland, Kristin (2022). On the Inadequacy of Economics for Understanding Housing Markets–A Pragmatic Response. 5 p. Housing, Theory and Society. Vol. 39.

Aarland, Kristin ; Santiago, Anna Maria; Galster, George; Nordvik, Viggo (2021). Childhood Housing Tenure and Young Adult Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons in Norway. 23 p. Journal of Housing Economics. Vol. 54.

Aarland, Kristin ; Reid, Carolina (2018). Homeownership and residential stability: does tenure really make a difference?. International journal of housing policy. Vol. 19.

Aarland, Kristin ; Osland, Liv Aileen ; Gjestland, Arnstein (2017). Do area-based intervention programs affect house prices? A quasi-experimental approach. Journal of Housing Economics. Vol. 37.

Aarland, Kristin ; Suomenrinne-Nordvik, Viggo (2010). Eierlinjen i norsk boligpolitikk - tar boligeiere på seg for stor risiko?. Økonomi & politik. Vol. 4.

Aarland, Kristin ; Nordvik, Viggo (2009). On the Path to Homeownership: Money, Family Composition and Low-income Households. 21 p. Housing Studies. Vol. 24.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete