Fields of study
Subject areas
Housing Urban studies Social housing Housing economics Program evaluation
Research projects
A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR)
The project addresses how the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes.
Disadvantaged in the Housing Market: Effects of Public Interventions (DISADVANTEGED)
This project aims to evaluate all major social housing policy instruments in Norway, aimed at helping disadvantaged individuals to better and more stable housing.
Housing Market and Housing Policy in Norway – an International Comparison
In this project the researchers compare central features of the Norwegian housing market and housing policy with those of Sweden, Denmark, Austria, UK, the Netherlands and Germany.
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
Income Dynamics and Housing Allowances
In this project, we aim to supplement the knowledge of the role non-taxable incomes play in the budgets of low-income receivers of housing allowances.
Refinancing through the Starter Mortgage Programme – Does it Affect the Subsequent Housing Career?
In this project the researchers investigate how persons who receive refinancing through the starter mortgage programme fare.
Social Inequality and Housing over the Life Course: Good Choices or Lucky Outcomes?
The project studies the interplay between housing and other dimensions of social inequality.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Aarland, Kristin
; Santiago, Anna Maria
Staying Afloat or Going Under: Mortgage Arrears in Norway’s Starter Mortgage Program.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 6.
Santiago, Anna Maria; Aarland, Kristin (2023). The Role of Forbearance in Sustaining Low-Income Homeownership: Evidence from Norway’s Public Starter Mortgage Program. Cityscape. Vol. 25.
Aarland, Kristin
; Reid, Carolina K.
The impact of refinancing on housing outcomes among lower-income households.
26 p.
International journal of housing policy.
Aarland, Kristin
; Santiago, Anna Maria
Serious Mortgage Arrears among Immigrant Descendant and Native Participants in a Low-Income Public Starter Mortgage Program: Evidence from Norway.
28 p.
Vol. 13.
Nordvik, Viggo;
Aarland, Kristin
On the Inadequacy of Economics for Understanding Housing Markets–A Pragmatic Response.
5 p.
Housing, Theory and Society.
Vol. 39.
Aarland, Kristin
; Santiago, Anna Maria; Galster, George; Nordvik, Viggo
Childhood Housing Tenure and Young Adult Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons in Norway.
23 p.
Journal of Housing Economics.
Vol. 54.
Aarland, Kristin
; Reid, Carolina
Homeownership and residential stability: does tenure really make a difference?.
International journal of housing policy.
Vol. 19.
Aarland, Kristin
Osland, Liv Aileen
; Gjestland, Arnstein
Do area-based intervention programs affect house prices? A quasi-experimental approach.
Journal of Housing Economics.
Vol. 37.
Aarland, Kristin ; Suomenrinne-Nordvik, Viggo (2010). Eierlinjen i norsk boligpolitikk - tar boligeiere på seg for stor risiko?. Økonomi & politik. Vol. 4.
Aarland, Kristin
; Nordvik, Viggo
On the Path to Homeownership: Money, Family Composition and Low-income Households.
21 p.
Housing Studies.
Vol. 24.