Fields of study
Subject areas
Housing Welfare and poverty Poverty research Urban poverty Socioeconomic inequality Effects of housing interventions Capability approach Regional and local housing markets Social housing policy Distributive justice Housing allowances
Research groups
Research projects
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
Income Dynamics and Housing Allowances
In this project, we aim to supplement the knowledge of the role non-taxable incomes play in the budgets of low-income receivers of housing allowances.
The importance of students for the rental market in the cities and study centers for the access to housing for different groups
The purpose of the project is to examine in more detail the importance of students to the rental market in general, and in particular to the rental market for disadvantaged groups.
The Social Sustainable City - the Role of Strategic Planning for Local Housing Markets Heterogeneity
The primary goal of the project is to generate new knowledge to measure inclusion in the housing market and use this to understand the local dynamics of the housing market. The knowledge can be used to stimulate cities to develop a more active and comprehensive housing policy.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Monkerud, Lars Chr.
Astrup, Kim Christian
Kan vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet eie egen bolig? En analyse av mulighetsrommet i startlånsordningen.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 5.
Solstad, Asgeir ; Astrup, Kim ; Bliksvær, Trond; Hansen, Inger Lise Skog; Iversen, Marit; Kjellevold, Alice; Nordvik, Viggo; Sørvoll, Jardar (2021). Boligsosialt arbeid. ISBN: 97-882-15-04149-0. 232 p. Universitetsforlaget.
Nordvik, Viggo; Sørvoll, Jardar ; Astrup, Kim (2021). Hvem er vanskeligstilt på boligmarkedet?. Solstad, Asgeir; Astrup, Kim; Bliksvær, Trond; Hansen, Inger Lise Skog; Iversen, Marit; Kjellevold, Alice (Ed.). Boligsosialt arbeid. p. 71-88. Universitetsforlaget.
Astrup, Kim (2017). Kan boligmarkedet temmes? Smartere boligpolitikk i et markedsbasert system. Askim, Jostein; Kolltveit, Kristoffer; Røe, Per Gunnar (Ed.). En smartere stat. Veier til bedre politikk og styring. p. 76-89. Universitetsforlaget.
Astrup, Kim Christian (2012). Tvangssalg av bolig i Norge. Nordahl, Berit Irene (Ed.). Boligmarked og boligpolitikk. p. 211-232. Akademika forlag.
Astrup, Kim Christian (2012). Boligprisutviklingen i Norge - forventningenes rolle. Nordahl, Berit Irene (Ed.). Boligmarked og boligpolitikk. p. 39-55. Akademika forlag.
Barlindhaug, Rolf ; Astrup, Kim Christian (2010). Promoting home ownership through demandside targeted measures. Doling, J.; Elsinga, M.; Ronald, R. (Ed.). Home ownership: Getting in, getting from, getting out: Part III. p. 39-62. Delft University Press.
Barlindhaug, Rolf
Nordahl, Berit Irene
Astrup, Kim Christian
Lavinnskuddsboliger - et egnet virkemiddel i boligpolitikken?.
Praktisk økonomi & finans.
Vol. 26.