Norwegian version

The Social Sustainable City - the Role of Strategic Planning for Local Housing Markets Heterogeneity

The primary goal of the project is to generate new knowledge to measure inclusion in the housing market and use this to understand the local dynamics of the housing market. The knowledge can be used to stimulate cities to develop a more active and comprehensive housing policy.

Knowledge for holistic, local housing policy
Brage NMBU: Price and Hedonic Heterogeneity Measures in Local Housing Markets (

The municipality as a strategic actor
Lokal klimapolitikk: Kommunens rolle som samfunnsutvikler i boliginnovasjon: Plan: Vol 55, No 4 (

Networks and public-private partnerships to ensure social sustainability in housing projects
Hvordan sikre stabile partnerskapsmodeller for sosial infrastruktur i nye utbyggingsområder? Tidsskrift for boligforskning (

Hvordan sikre sosial infrastruktur i nabolaget? Plan (

More inclusive housing market - new ways in
Nye veier til eie- alternative eiekonsepter i nybyggingsprosjekter (

Eiendomsmegleren nr. 3 - 2022 (

Comparative perspective on Norwegian housing and urban development practice.
Institutional innovation for more involving urban transformations: Comparing Danish and Dutch experiences (

Intermediary housing tenures in Sweden: Developers’ response to inaccessible housing markets and its implications for tenant-buyers. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies (

NOU 2020:16: Levekår i byer. Gode lokalsamfunn for alle. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies (

Participation and social sustainability
Medvirkningsutfordringer i sykehusbyggprosjekter. Kart og Plan (

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