Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Mathematics and natural scienses Political science and organisational theory
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
CIRCULAR: Collaborative innovation of circular economy
Transforming the economic system from a linear to a circular economy is critical for realising a sustainable society. Circular-project asks: What are the main governance factors driving the co-creation of an innovative circular economy for reduced consumption?
Mind the gap: Bridging knowledge and decision-making across sectoral silos and levels of governance in ecosystem based management (EcoGaps)
EcoGaps addresses apparent gaps between ecosystem science knowledge and its use in regional and local policy-decisions in land-use planning and water management.
Small city regions – development, resilience and sustainability (SMACREG)
Norway is among the countries in Europe with the largest share of residents living in smaller city regions (SCRs). These regions are central to the national goals of regionally balanced development and to securing sustainable regions throughout the country.
Completed research projects
Cities confronted by protests: Democratic governance for efficient and socially just climate transformation (DEMOCLIM)
DEMOCLIM explores new democratic governance methods in the design and implementation of effective and socially just climate policies that emerge in the face of climate protests in four Scandinavian cities; Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm and Gothenburg.
CONTRA – Conflicts in transformations
CONTRA explores how institutionalising productive conflict can increase the transformative capacity needed in the transition towards more sustainable cities.
The Social Sustainable City - the Role of Strategic Planning for Local Housing Markets Heterogeneity
The primary goal of the project is to generate new knowledge to measure inclusion in the housing market and use this to understand the local dynamics of the housing market. The knowledge can be used to stimulate cities to develop a more active and comprehensive housing policy.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Nordahl, Berit Irene ; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær (2024). Heterogenitetsindekser for boligområder som kunnskapsgrunnlag for inkluderende boligpolitikk. Kart og Plan. Vol. 117.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Ringholm, Toril; Nyseth, Torill; Benjegård, Mina
The role of strategic planning in ensuring sustainable housing markets in a neo-liberal planning context.
European Planning Studies.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
Holm, Arne
; Tvedt, Geir
Regionreformen: Har utvidet ansvar på kulturmiljøfeltet styrket den regionale samfunnsutviklingsrollen?.
Kart og Plan.
Vol. 116.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Habberstad, Mette Øinæs
Hvordan sikre stabile partnerskapsmodeller for sosial infrastruktur i nye utbyggingsområder?.
28 p.
Tidsskrift for boligforskning.
Vol. 6.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Knapskog, Marianne
Tettstedspakker som samordnings- og samskapingsmodell.
Kart og Plan.
Vol. 115.
Hofstad, Hege
Vedeld, Trond
; Agger, Annika;
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Tønnesen, Anders; Valencia, Sandra
Cities as public agents: A typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation.
Earth System Governance.
Vol. 13.
Nilssen, Maja;
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
Institutional innovation for more involving urban transformations: Comparing Danish and Dutch experience.
10 p.
Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning.
Vol. 131.
Tønnesen, Anders;
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Hansen, Karsten Bruun; Valencia, Sandra C.
Integrative climate leadership in multi-level policy packages for urban mobility - A study of governance systems in two Nordic urban regions.
8 p.
Transport Policy.
Vol. 128.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
; Tønnesen, Anders
Core-city climate leadership in metropolitan contractual management agreements.
European Planning Studies.
Vol. 30.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær
Millstein, Marianne
Introduksjon: Demokratiske byrom?.
Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Millstein, Marianne (Ed.).
Demokratiske byrom. p. 13-25.