Norwegian version
Trond Vedeld

Trond Vedeld

Fields of study

Subject areas

Governance   Urban governance   Klimaendringer


Africa   Southern Asia


India   Norway   South Africa

Research projects

Scientific publications

Vedeld, Trond ; Hofstad, Hege (2024). Citizens as clients, customers and partners: Evolving roles and relationships in co-creation. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Ed.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond (2024). Co-existing systems of performance management: Conflicts, coping strategies and emergent hybridity. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Ed.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Røiseland, Asbjørn ; Breimo, Janne Paulsen; Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond (2024). Presentation of cases, methods and contexts. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Ed.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Røiseland, Asbjørn ; Vedeld, Trond (2024). Bureaucracy and co-creation: Coping with dilemmas through institutional design. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Ed.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vedeld, Trond ; Hofstad, Hege (2022). How to Lead Collaborative Governance for Climate Transformation: A Guide for City Leaders and Decision-makers. 12 p. Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (JCCPE). Vol. 1.

Vedeld, Trond (2022). The Co-creation paradox: Small towns and the promise and limits of collaborative governance for low-carbon, sustainable futures. 25 p. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA). Vol. 26.

Vedeld, Trond (2022). Samskapingsparadokset: Mindre byer, klimastyring og bærekraftig byutvikling. 5 p. Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling. Vol. 1.

Hofstad, Hege ; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob; Vedeld, Trond (2022). Designing and leading collaborative urban climate governance: Comparative experiences of co-creation from Copenhagen and Oslo. Environmental Policy and Governance. Vol. 32.

Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond ; Agger, Annika; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær ; Tønnesen, Anders; Valencia, Sandra (2022). Cities as public agents: A typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation. Earth System Governance. Vol. 13.

Hofstad, Hege ; Millstein, Marianne ; Tønnesen, Anders; Vedeld, Trond ; Hansen, Karsten Bruun (2021). The role of goal-setting in urban climate governance. 9 p. Earth System Governance. Vol. 7.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete