Norwegian version
Marthe Indset

Marthe Indset


Political scientist from the University of Oslo 2000, Dr. polit from the same university in 2020. From 2007, researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR). Research activities related to public administration and multilevel governance, environmental policy, with a particular emphasis on the local and regional levels and the EU, administrative integration in the EU and the EU as a multilevel administrative system.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Political science and organisational theory   Environmental law   Natural resource management

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Indset, Marthe (2022). When multilevel water management meets regional government: the differential impacts on administrative integration. 23 p. Environmental Politics.

Indset, Marthe ; Tjerbo, Trond; Hansen, Tore (2021). The Role of the Norwegian County Governor: Agent with a Wide Scope or Servant of the State Authorities?. Tanguy, Gildas; Eymeri-Douzans, Jean-Michel (Ed.). Prefects, Governors and Commissioners. Territorial representatives of the State in Europe. p. 275-302. Palgrave Macmillan.

Indset, Marthe (2018). Building bridges over troubled waters: Administrative change at the regional level in European, multilevel water management. Regional & Federal Studies.

Indset, Marthe (2018). The Changing Organization of Multilevel Water Management in the European Union. Going with the Flow?. International Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 41.

Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær ; Hovik, Sissel ; Indset, Marthe ; Klausen, Jan Erling; Stokke, Knut Bjørn (2016). Implementing EUs Water Framework Directive in Norway: Can the New River Basin Districts Ensure Environmental Policy Integration?. 25 p. International Journal of Water Governance. Vol. 4.

Indset, Marthe ; Stokke, Knut Bjørn (2015). Layering, Administrative Change and National Paths to Europeanization: The Case of the Water Framework Directive. European Planning Studies. Vol. 23.

Stokke, Knut Bjørn; Indset, Marthe (2012). Møtet mellom EUs vanndirektiv og statlig sektoransvar. Helhetlig vannforvaltning gjennom konsensusbygging og nettverk?. Kart og Plan. Vol. 72, årg. 105.

Tjerbo, Trond; Indset, Marthe ; Hansen, Tore (2011). Fylkesmannens rolle i det norske styringssystemet. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. Vol. 88.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete