Norwegian version
Alexander Schjøll

Alexander Schjøll


Head of research for Sustainable textile and food research. Personal food research is on food and personal economics (especially housing and insurance). Use experimental methods and different statistical methods as my main approach.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Economics   Social sciences   Sociology   Epidemiology, medical and dental statistics   Community medicine, social medicine   Cultural studies   Nutrition   Environmental engineering   Agricultural sciences

Subject areas

Design of experiments   Housing   Micro Econometrics   Consumer behaviour   Food consumption

Research projects

  • Organic-PLUS

    The aim of Organic-PLUS is minimising, and eventually phasing out contentious inputs from certified organic agriculture.

Scientific publications

Thorjussen, Christian Bernhard Holth; Schjøll, Alexander (2021). Er asymmetrisk informasjon en drivkraft for konflikter i det norske boligmarkedet?. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. Vol. 4.

Fretheim, Atle ; Helleve, Arnfinn; Løyland, Borghild ; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum ; Flatø, Martin; Telle, Kjetil Elias; Watle, Sara Sofie Viksmoen; Schjøll, Alexander ; Helseth, Sølvi ; Jamtvedt, Gro ; Hart, Rannveig Kaldager (2021). Relationship between teaching modality and COVID-19, well-being, and teaching satisfaction (campus & corona): A cohort study among students in higher education. 7 p. Public Health in Practice. Vol. 2.

Slapø, Helena; Schjøll, Alexander ; Strømgren, Børge ; Sandaker, Ingunn ; Lekhal, Samira (2021). Efficiency of In-Store Interventions to Impact Customers to Purchase Healthier Food and Beverage Products in Real-Life Grocery Stores: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 30 p. Foods. Vol. 10.

Lekhal, Samira; Bugge, Annechen Bahr ; Schjøll, Alexander ; Slapø, Helena; Karevold, Knut Ivar (2019). Atferdsøkonomiske virkemidler i helsefremmende arbeid: hvordan kan utforming av restauranter og kantiner fremme sunnere valg?. Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE).

Schjøll, Alexander ; Alfnes, Frode ; Lanseng, Even (2018). Reklame i blogger – forbrukeres holdninger og reaksjoner. Storm-Mathisen, Ardis; Jacobsen, Eivind; Tangen, Karl-Fredrik; Helle-Valle, Jo (Ed.). Markedsføring og forbrukerne – samfunnsvitenskapelige blikk. p. 158-168. Universitetsforlaget.

Austgulen, Marthe Hårvik ; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth ; Schjøll, Alexander ; Alfnes, Frode (2018). Consumer Readiness to Reduce Meat Consumption for the Purpose of Environmental Sustainability: Insights from Norway. 24 p. Sustainability. Vol. 10.

Schjøll, Alexander ; Alfnes, Frode (2017). Eliciting consumer preferences for credence attributes in a fine-dining restaurant. British Food Journal. Vol. 119.

Schjøll, Alexander (2017). Country-of-origin preferences for organic food. Organic Agriculture. Vol. 7.

Gerini, Francesca; Alfnes, Frode ; Schjøll, Alexander (2016). Organic‐and Animal Welfare‐labelled Eggs: Competing for the Same Consumers?. Journal of Agricultural Economics (JAE). Vol. 67.

Oostindjer, Marije; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica; Wang, Qing; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth ; Egelandsdal, Bjørg; Amdam, Gro Vang; Schjøll, Alexander ; Pachucki, Mark; Rozin, Paul; Stein, Jarrett; Almli, Valerie Lengard; van Kleef, Ellen (2016). Are school meals a viable and sustainable tool to improve the healthiness and sustainability of children´s diet and food consumption? A cross-national comparative perspective. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete