Annechen Bahr Bugge gained a doctorate in sociology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2005. The title of her doctoral thesis was Dinner - a Sociological Analysis of Norwegian Dinner Practice. She passed her master degree in sociology at the University of Oslo (UiO) in 1993. Bugge carries out research in the sociology of food, food consumption and eating habits and is currently research professor at Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), Oslo Metropolitan University.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Archaeology Sociology Economics Nutrition
Subject areas
Sociology Consumer behaviour Food culture Food consumption Norwegian food culture Social sciences Food history Food consumption Consumption Research
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
FoodLessons: Culinary Heritage as a Resource in Developing "Food Nation Norway 2030"
This project will take a closer look at how a revitalization of our culinary heritage can be used in business development and value creation.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bugge, Annechen Bahr (2024). Oslo's gastronomy from 1900 to present day on the menu. Vedeler, Marianne; Bugge, Annechen Bahr (Ed.). Culinary Heritage. Tracing, shaping and reshaping food culture from the Middle Ages to the present. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Vedeler, Marianne; Bugge, Annechen Bahr (2024). Introduction. Vedeler, Marianne; Bugge, Annechen Bahr (Ed.). Culinary Heritage. Tracing, shaping and reshaping food culture from the Middle Ages to the present. p. 7-13. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Vedeler, Marianne;
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
Culinary Heritage. Tracing, shaping and reshaping food culture from the Middle Ages to the present.
ISBN: 978-82-0286798-0.
266 p.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Groufh-Jacobsen, Synne
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
Morseth, Marianne S.
; Pedersen, Julia Tsuruta;
Henjum, Sigrun
Dietary Habits and Self-Reported Health Measures Among Norwegian Adults Adhering to Plant-Based Diets.
9 p.
Frontiers in Nutrition.
Vol. 9.
Slapø, Helena;
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
Sandaker, Ingunn
; Lekhal, Samira
Can in-store interventions reduce the socioeconomic gap in fruit and vegetable purchases in grocery stores? A descriptive study of volume sales from 2012 to 2020 in Norway's largest grocery store chain.
Vol. 176.
Gonera, Antje; Svanes, Erik;
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
; Hatlebakk, Malin Myrset;
Prexl, Katja-Maria
; Ueland, Øydis
Moving Consumers along the Innovation Adoption Curve: A
New Approach to Accelerate the Shift toward a More
Sustainable Diet.
Vol. 13.
Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg;
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
; Ueland, Øydis
Health-related factors influencing food choices of active home-living older adults in Norway.
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE).
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
Grøt og velling - før og nå.
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE).
Lekhal, Samira;
Bugge, Annechen Bahr
Schjøll, Alexander
; Slapø, Helena; Karevold, Knut Ivar
Atferdsøkonomiske virkemidler i helsefremmende arbeid: hvordan kan utforming av restauranter og kantiner fremme sunnere valg?.
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE).
Bugge, Annechen Bahr (2019). Barn og unges matkultur - eksempelet fastfood. Holthe, Asle; Aadland, Eli Kristin; Viig, Nina Grieg (Ed.). Mat og helse i grunnskolelærerutdanningene. p. 271-284. Fagbokforlaget.