Klepp works with research on sustainable textile, clothing, laundry and leisure consumption and has written numerous articles and books of these themes. The relationship between textiles, social and physical characteristics and how these are woven together is at the core of her interest and she loves popular dissemination and new methods.
An overview over Klepp's publications can be found on the clothing research page: https://clothingresearch.oslomet.no
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Ethnology Folklore studies, ethnology
Subject areas
Environment Gender Health Research method Body Material Culture Environmental pollution Industry Dissemination of science Cultural History Clothing Wool Outdoor life Interdisiplinary science Consumer behaviour Clothing consumption Art apretiation Waste Service Lifetime Environmental sustainability Sharing economy Laundry Hauswoork
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Amazing grazing
Amazing grazing will bring new knowledge on how sheep rangeland grazing systems can be part of sustainable food and fiber systems.
CHANGE: Environmental systems shift in clothing consumption
In CHANGE, we will investigate what is most essential to reduce the environmental impact of clothing: reduce the amount of clothing that is produced, acquired and disposed of.
Practices and policies of belonging among minority and majority children of low-income families (BELONG)
This project seeks to increase current knowledge of the practices causing marginalization and social exclusion of minority and majority children of low-income families.
REDUCE – Rethinking Everyday Plastics
The project will look at plastic in a systems perspective and investigate how the consumption of plastic products in everyday life can be reduced.
Wasted Textiles
The primary objective of this project is to reduce the use of synthetic textiles and the amount that goes to waste.
Completed research projects
LASTING: Sustainable prosperity through product durability
How can the lifespans of consumer goods be increased?
WOOLUME: Polish sheep wool for improved resource utilisation and value creation
The main objective of Woolume is to explore how an under-utilized natural resource – wool from remote mountain regions – can be maximized into materials in local sustainable industry innovation systems that offer high returns on investment and contribute to an optimized, next-generation circular economy.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Haugsrud, Ingrid
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Laitala, Kirsi
Clothing care.
Henninger, Claudia; Alevizou, Panayiota; Ryding, Daniella; Goworek, Helen (Ed.).
The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion. p. 47-64.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Laitala, Kirsi
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Løvbak Berg, Lisbeth
The Impact of Modes of Acquisition on Clothing Lifetimes.
Niinimäki, Kirsi (Ed.).
Recycling and Lifetime Management in the Textile and Fashion Sector. p. 91-111.
CRC Press.
Løvbak Berg, Lisbeth
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Sigaard, Anna Schytte
; Broda, Jan; Rom, Monika; Kobiela-Mendrek, Katarzyna
Reducing Plastic in Consumer Goods: Opportunities for Coarser Wool.
28 p.
Vol. 11.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Laitala, Kirsi
Washing Clothes.
Pouillard, Véronique; Dube-Senecal, Vincent (Ed.).
The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present. p. 491-506.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Haugrønning, Vilde
Laitala, Kirsi
Sigaard, Anna Schytte
; Tobiasson, Tone
A Fashion Future: Fibre Diet.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Tobiasson, Tone (Ed.).
Local, Slow and Sustainable Fashion. Wool as a Fabric for Change. p. 171-189.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Haugrønning, Vilde
; Broda, Jan; Espelien, Ingvild Svokmo;
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
; Kobiela-Mendrek, Katarzyna; Rom, Monika;
Sigaard, Anna Schytte
; Tobiasson, Tone Skårdal
Upping the WOOLUME: Waste Prevention Based on Optimal Use of Materials.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Tobiasson, Tone (Ed.).
Local, Slow and Sustainable Fashion. Wool as a Fabric for Change. p. 61-82.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Haugrønning, Vilde
Laitala, Kirsi
Sigaard, Anna Schytte
; Tobiasson, Tone
The Fate of Natural Fibres in Environmental Evaluations: A Question of Volume.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Tobiasson, Tone (Ed.).
Local, Slow and Sustainable Fashion. Wool as a Fabric for Change. p. 35-59.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Kobiela-Mendrek, Katarzyna; Bączek, Marcin; Broda, Jan; Rom, Monika; Espelien, Ingvild;
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Acoustic Performance of Sound Absorbing Materials Produced from Wool of Local Mountain Sheep.
Vol. 15.
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Haugrønning, Vilde
Laitala, Kirsi
Local clothing: What is that? How an environmental policy concept is understood.
17 p.
International Journal of Fashion Studies (INFS).
Vol. 9.
Laitala, Kirsi
Klepp, Ingun Grimstad
Haugrønning, Vilde
Textile Cleaning and Odour Removal.
Thilagavathi, G.; Rathinamoorthy, R. (Ed.).
Odour in Textiles: Generation and Control. p. 197-224.
CRC Press.