Norwegian version
Torvald Tangeland

Torvald Tangeland


Tangeland is Research Director for Department for Youth Research Section at NOVA, a leading research environment in Norway that covers a wide range of topics related to young people’s life situations and growing up.

Tangeland has a Master in Marketing management form BI Norwegian Business School from 2004 and has a PhD in nature-based tourism from NMBU from 2012. From 2005 to 2012, he worked as a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), focusing on nature use (tourism and outdoor life) and conflicts related to the use and management of nature. From 2012 to 2024, he was employed as a researcher at the Consumer Research Institute SIFO. Here, he worked on a wide range of issues related to consumption: payment problems, the reference budget, market access, marketing, digital everyday life, and sustainable consumption development. Between 2017 and 2024, he was the research leader for the Technology & Sustainability research group at SIFO. During his time at SIFO, a central focus area was the role consumers can play in the green shift of society and how new technology and social innovations can contribute to reducing the negative climate and environmental impacts of consumption.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences   Human geography   Sociology   Economics

Subject areas

Consumer behaviour   Sustainable consumption   Consumer psychology   Consumer markets   Consumer choice   Consumer practice   Consumer trust

Scientific publications

Drut, Marion; Antonioli, Federico; Böhm, Michael; Brečić, Ruzica; Dries, Liesbeth; Ferrer-Lòpes, Hugo; Gauvrit, Lisa; Hoang, Viet; Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen ; Lilavanichakul, Apichaya; Majewski, Edward; Napasintuwong, Orachos; Nguyễn, An; Mattas, Konstadinos; Ristic, Bojan; Schaer, Burkhard; Tangeland, Torvald ; Tomic Maksan, Marina; Csillag, Peter; Török, Áron; Tsakiridou, Efthimia; Veneziani, Mario; Vittersø, Gunnar ; Bellassen, Valentin (2020). Foodmiles: The Logistics of Food Chains Applied to Food Quality Schemes. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization.

Amilien, Virginie ; Vittersø, Gunnar ; Tangeland, Torvald (2019). PGI Lofoten Stockfish in Norway. Arfini, Filippo; Bellassen, Valentin (Ed.). Sustainability of European Food Quality Schemes. Multi-Performance, Structure, and Governance of PDO, PGI, and Organic Agri-Food Systems. p. 507-527. Springer.

Andersen, Oddgeir; Øian, Hogne; Aas, Øystein; Tangeland, Torvald (2018). Affective and cognitive dimensions of ski destination images. The case of Norway and the Lillehammer region. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. Vol. 18.

Krange, Olve; Sandström, Camilla; Tangeland, Torvald ; Ericsson, Göran (2017). Approval of Wolves in Scandinavia: A Comparison Between Norway and Sweden. Society & Natural Resources. Vol. 30.

Kaltenborn, Bjørn Petter; Krange, Olve; Tangeland, Torvald (2017). Cultural resources and public trust shape attitudes toward climate change and preferred futures?A case study among the Norwegian public. Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. Vol. 89.

Vittersø, Gunnar ; Heidenstrøm, Nina Vatvedt ; Tangeland, Torvald (2016). Energismarte Husholdninger?. Lavik, Randi; Borgeraas, Elling Martin (Ed.). Forbrukstrender 2016. SIFO-survey: Bruk av ullklær, miljøholdninger, miljøatferd, digital betaling, håndverkertjenester, søndagshandel, med barn i butikken, innholdsmarkedsføring. p. 21-25. SIFO.

Tangeland, Torvald ; Vittersø, Gunnar (2016). Endringer i miljøholdninger Blant forbrukerne – Implikasjoner for Det grønne Samfunnsskiftet. Lavik, Randi; Borgeraas, Elling Martin (Ed.). Forbrukstrender 2016. SIFO-survey: Bruk av ullklær, miljøholdninger, miljøatferd, digital betaling, håndverkertjenester, søndagshandel, med barn i butikken, innholdsmarkedsføring. p. 17-20. SIFO.

Tangeland, Torvald ; Heidenstrøm, Nina Vatvedt ; Throne-Holst, Harald (2016). Teknologioptimisme – en behagelig hindring for bærekraftig forbruksutvikling?. Vittersø, Gunnar; Borch, Anita; Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Strandbakken, Pål (Ed.). Forbruk og det grønne skiftet. p. 55-75. Novus Forlag.

Vittersø, Gunnar ; Tangeland, Torvald (2015). Barrierer mot kjøp av økologisk mat. Lavik, Randi Kristine; Borgeraas, Elling M (Ed.). Forbrukstrender 2015 SIFO-survey. p. 25-29. Statens institutt for forbruksforskning.

Vittersø, Gunnar ; Tangeland, Torvald (2015). The role of consumers in transitions towards sustainable food consumption. The case of organic food in Norway. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 92.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete