Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
GoodAnimal: Animal Welfare for Sustainable Futures
GoodAnimal’s primary objective is to acquire knowledge that will mitigate threats and increase opportunities for sustainable farm and industry practices.
The aim of Organic-PLUS is minimising, and eventually phasing out contentious inputs from certified organic agriculture.
Policy Evaluation Network (PEN) – Public policies addressing health-related behaviours in Europe
The Joint Programming Initiative a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) brings together 26 countries that align research programming and fund new research to prevent or minimise diet-related chronic diseases.
SEGURA – Food for Security: Evidence from Cauca, Colombia
The SEGURA project aims to improve knowledge about the complexities of the food security – conflict nexus.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Vittersø, Gunnar
; Andreola, Mattia;
Kjærnes, Unni
Kuraj, Sabina
Schjøll, Alexander
Torjusen, Hanne
Conditions for Sustainable Food Consumption: A Comparative Study of Europeans' Valuations of Chicken Meat.
Jacobsen, Eivind; Strandbakken, Pål; Dulsrud, Arne; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth (Ed.).
Consumers and consumption in comparison. p. 115-138.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Kjærnes, Unni
Borgen, Svein Ole
; Thorjussen, Christian Bernhard Holth
Behind a fluttering veil of trust: The dynamics of public concerns over farm animal welfare in Norway.
18 p.
Sociologia Ruralis.
Vol. 62.
Borch, Anita ; Kjærnes, Unni (2019). Food Insecurity. Gronow, Jukka; Holm, Lotte (Ed.). Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A comparative Study of Meal Patterns 1997-2012. p. 141-159. Bloomsbury Academic.
Kjærnes, Unni (2019). Sosiale variasjoner og ulikheter i kosthold og matvaner. Holthe, Asle; Aadland, Eli Kristin; Viig, Nina Grieg (Ed.). Mat og helse i grunnskolelærerutdanningene. Fagbokforlaget.
Niva, Mari; Mäkelä, Johanna; Kahma, Nina;
Kjærnes, Unni
Eating Sustainably.
Gronow, Jukka; Holm, Lotte (Ed.).
Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A comparative Study of Meal Patterns 1997-2012. p. 173-191.
Bloomsbury Academic.
Holm, Lotte; Lauridsen, Drude Skov; Gronow, Jukka; Kahma, Nina; Kjærnes, Unni ; Lund, Thomas Bøker; Mäkelä, Johanna; Niva, Mari (2019). The Food We Eat. Gronow, Jukka; Holm, Lotte (Ed.). Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A comparative Study of Meal Patterns 1997-2012. p. 15-33. Bloomsbury Academic.
Lund, Thomas Bøker;
Kjærnes, Unni
; Holm, Lotte
Eating out in four Nordic countries: National patterns and social stratification.
Vol. 119.
Amilien, Virginie
Kjærnes, Unni
The dynamics of sheep welfare in Norway – between idealised images and practical realities.
British Food Journal.
Vol. 119.
Borch, Anita
Kjærnes, Unni
Food security and food insecurity in Europe: An analysis of the academic discourse (1975–2013).
Vol. 103.
Borch, Anita
Kjærnes, Unni
The Prevalence and Risk of Food Insecurity in the Nordic Region: Preliminary Results.
Journal of Consumer Policy.
Vol. 39.