Norwegian version
Svein Ole Borgen

Svein Ole Borgen


Main research interests: Innovations, Sustainability, Consumer Studies, Institutional Economics, Value Chains Analysis (Agriculture and Fisheries), Local Food Systems, RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), Sociology of Science, Urban Food Systems, Cooperative Organizations, Animal welfare, Food Quality Schemes.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Comparative politics   Social sciences   Economics   Agricultural sciences   Agriculture and fisheries science

Subject areas

Innovation   Institutional theory   Chains of values   Participatory Action Research   Strategic analysis   Cooperatives   Organisasjonsanalyse   Forbrukerundersøkelse   Innovation networks

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Wittrock, Christian ; Nelhans, Gustaf; Myhr, Anne Ingeborg; Borgen, Svein Ole (2024). Norwegian engagement with RRI and the propagation of RRI by the Research Council of Norway. De Grandis, Giovanni; Blanchard, Anne (Ed.). The Fragility of Responsibility: Norway’s Transformative Agenda for Research, Innovation and Business. p. 49-79. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

Kjærnes, Unni ; Borgen, Svein Ole ; Thorjussen, Christian Bernhard Holth (2022). Behind a fluttering veil of trust: The dynamics of public concerns over farm animal welfare in Norway. 18 p. Sociologia Ruralis. Vol. 62.

Borgen, Svein Ole (2021). Standard quality as a boundary object - A conceptual study. 25 p. Sociologia Ruralis. Vol. 61.

Malak-Rawlikowska, Agata; Majewski, Edward; Was, Adam; Borgen, Svein Ole ; Csillag, Peter; Donati, Michele; Freeman, Richard; Hoang, Viet; Lecoeur, Jean-Loup; Mancini, Maria Cecilia; Nguyen, An; Saidi, Monia; Tocco, Barbara; Török, Áron; Veneziani, Mario; Vittersø, Gunnar ; Wavresky, Pierre (2019). Measuring the Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability of Short Food Supply Chains. 23 p. Sustainability. Vol. 11.

Borgen, Svein Ole ; Aarset, Bernt (2016). First the seed, next the smolt?. British Food Journal. Vol. 118.

Borgen, Svein Ole ; Aarset, Bernt (2016). Participatory Innovation: Lessons from breeding cooperatives. Agricultural Systems. Vol. 145.

Aarset, Bernt; Borgen, Svein Ole (2015). The battle of the eyed egg: Critical junctures and the control of genes in Norwegian salmon farming. Aquaculture. Vol. 445.

Schjøll, Alexander ; Alfnes, Frode ; Borgen, Svein Ole (2013). Attitude vs. action for farm animal welfare: What can we learn from natural field experiments?. Hansson, Lena; Holmberg, Ulrika; Brembeck, Helene (Ed.). Making Sense of Consumption. Selections from the 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2012. p. 231-246. Centre for Consumer Science, School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg.

Poppe, Christian ; Tufte, Per Arne ; Borgen, Svein Ole (2011). Hjelper det å dulte til dem som snublet? Et atferdsøkonomisk perspektiv på tilgangen av kreditt til utsatte låntagere. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Vol. 52.

Borgen, Svein Ole (2011). Product differentiation and cooperative governance. The Journal of Socio-Economics (JSE). Vol. 40.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete