Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Digital vulnerabilities at home (PhD project)
PhD project about digital vulnerabilities from internet connected devices at home.
Food2Gather: Exploring foodscapes as public places for integration
FOOD2GATHER investigates the roles food play in creating public spaces, shaping opportunities for communication and relations between places and the peoples that inhabit it.
Relinking the weak link. Building resilient digital households through interdisciplinary and multilevel exploration and intervention
What roles do socio-technical practices and infrastructures play in shaping security risks in technologies of the home and what tools and interventions can be developed to enable digitally resilient households?
The objective of SafeConsume is to reduce health burden from foodborne illnesses.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Reich, Clara Julia
Bøyum, Live
Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
“You don’t have to share every single small moment on social media” Exploring Tensions Between Parents and Children in Sharenting Practices.
Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (NTU).
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Troubleshooting the connected home: Exploring the perspectives of non-initiators.
Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Paupini, Cristina
Mainsah, Henry
Intra-Acting With Technology During Remote Fieldwork in Homes: Curating Video Interviews and Drawing Methods.
12 p.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM).
Vol. 22.
Paupini, Cristina
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Habib, Laurence Marie Anna
A change of space: implications of digital fieldwork in connected homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
15 p.
Digital Creativity.
Vol. 33.
Paupini, Cristina
; van der Zeeuw, Alex;
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Trust in the institution and privacy management of Internet of Things devices. A comparative case study of Dutch and Norwegian households.
8 p.
Technology in society.
Vol. 70.
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane ; Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen ; Goldschmidt- Gjerløw, Beate (2022). Ungdom og kroppspress i sosiale medier. Goldschmidt- Gjerløw, Beate; Eriksen, Kristin Gregers; Jore, Mari Kristine (Ed.). Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen.. p. 149-168. Universitetsforlaget.
Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Livsstil til salgs: om influensermarkedsføring på sosiale medier og hvordan ungdom påvirkes.
Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (NTU).
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen
«– Det er lett å se hvilke kjønn reklamer er ment for. Det er ikke noe mellomting»: En studie av ungdoms fortolkning av kjønn i reklame på sosiale medier.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning.
Vol. 45.