Henry Mainsah is a Research Professor at OsloMet and part of the Technology and Suatainability research group at Consumption Research Norway (SIFO). He obtained a PhD in Media and Communication from the University of Oslo and has developed an interdisciplinary research portfolio located at the crossroads between the social sciences and the creative disciplines focusing on digital media, youth culture, design, and interdisciplinary methods. Mainsah’s research covers topics such as digitization, digital literacy, youth culture, smart living, creative research methods, and participatory design.
Research groups
Research projects
IMAGINE – Contested Futures of Sustainability
When you think about the future, what do you imagine? Flying cars, tubed food, or high-tech clothing might be among the images that come to mind. IMAGINE sets out to study these images of the future as imaginaries. Imaginaries are the many ways in which we humans think about the future and ways in which they can become possible. Our project looks specifically at how we imagine sustainable futures.
LASTING: Sustainable prosperity through product durability
How can the lifespans of consumer goods be increased?
Relinking the weak link. Building resilient digital households through interdisciplinary and multilevel exploration and intervention
What roles do socio-technical practices and infrastructures play in shaping security risks in technologies of the home and what tools and interventions can be developed to enable digitally resilient households?
U-YouPa – Understanding Youth Participation and Media literacy in Digital Dialogue Spaces
The key goal of this project is to provide a research-based understanding of the interconnection between cultural and technological preconditions for strengthening youth participation in digital dialogue spaces.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Dahle, Margunn Serigstad; Dralega, Carol Azungi;
Mainsah, Henry
Video gaming and parents’ mediation strategies in a Norwegian context.
Dahle, Margunn Serigstad; Meyer, Grete Skjeggestad (Ed.).
Danning i digitale praksiser. Digital danning i barnehage, skole, hjem og fritid.. p. 187-204.
Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane
Paupini, Cristina
Mainsah, Henry
Intra-Acting With Technology During Remote Fieldwork in Homes: Curating Video Interviews and Drawing Methods.
12 p.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM).
Vol. 22.
Langeland, Fredrik; Prøitz, Lin;
Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen
Mainsah, Henry
I de sosiale ytterkantene. Konstruksjoner av kjønn og maskuliniteter hos norske menn i ufrivillig sølibat.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning.
Vol. 46.
Prøitz, Lin; Langeland, Fredrik;
Steinnes, Kamilla Knutsen
Mainsah, Henry
Hybride maskuliniteter og hatideologi på nett: en litteraturgjennomgang om incels i et feministisk medievitenskapelig perspektiv.
Norsk Medietidsskrift.
Vol. 29.
Mainsah, Henry
Exploring creative pedagogies for research methods: Reflections from a workshop series.
Methodological Innovations.
Vol. 15.
Sanchez Boe, Carolina; Mainsah, Henry (2022). Porte de la Chapelle: Les migrants à la trace. Gardesse, Camille; Le Courant, Stefan; Diez, Evangeline (Ed.). ÉDITIONS L'ŒIL D'OR.
Mainsah, Henry
; Rafiki, Nicole
Methodological reflections on curating an artistic event with African youth in a Norwegian city.
Qualitative Research.
Dralega, Carol Azungi; Katuwal, Yam Bahadur; Mainsah, Henry (2022). COVID-19 Lockdown, Information Access and Use Among African Diaspora in Norway. Dralega, Carol Azungi; Napakol, Angella (Ed.). COVID-19 and the Media in Sub-Saharan Africa: Media Viability, Framing and Health Communication. p. 197-213. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-803
Hebrok, Marie
Mainsah, Henry
Skinny as a Bird: Design fiction as a vehicle for reflecting on food futures.
12 p.
Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies.
Vol. 141.
Raymond, Corbin Edin; Morrison, Andrew;
Mainsah, Henry Nsaidzeka
Framing scenario thinking in a mode of futures by design inquiry.
Proceedings of DRS.