Norwegian version
Stine Bruland

Stine Bruland


Stine Bruland is a researcher at NOVA, section for research on childhood, family and child welfare. Her research interests include family life, migration, generation, and the welfare state. Her PhD thesis concerns transnational family life among families of Tamil background. She is currently working on projects regarding the participation of children and youth in the welfare states institutions and how the welfare state handles families who, for religious and, or, cultural reasons, limit the participation of children and young people in various arenas. She has a PhD in social anthropology (2015) from NTNU and a continuing education in family therapy and systemic practice (2022) from VID. She mainly works with various qualitative methods.

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Bruland, Stine (2015). Being there while Being here: Long-distance Aesthetics and Sensations in Tamil National Rituals. Fuglerud, Øivind; Wainwright, Leon (Ed.). OBJECTS AND IMAGINATION Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning . Berghahn Books.

Bruland, Stine (2013). Transgressing Religious Boundaries: The Power of Aesthetics in Tamil Catholic and Hindu Worship. 22 p. Material Religion. Vol. 9.

Bruland, Stine (2012). Nationalism as meaningful life projects: identity construction among politically active Tamil families in Norway. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 35.

Bruland, Stine (2011). Making Home(s). Repères générationnels et nationalisme comme instruments de making home(s), ”faire son chez-soi” chez les activistes politiques de la diaspora tamoule de Norvège. Hommes et migrations. Vol. 1291.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete