Norwegian version
Maren Svendsen Folkvord

Maren Svendsen Folkvord


Maren Svendsen Folkvord is a researcher in the childhood, family and child welfare section at the Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Oslo Metropolitan University. She holds a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Oslo (2021). The master’s thesis is about differences in digital and bodily interaction between people, as well as the creation and feeling of community and intimacy. Folkvord’s research interests includes children and youths, digital communication, digital tools in education, body and emotions, gender, exclusion, inclusion, friendship and community. 

Research projects

Research reports

Skiple, Alida ; Folkvord, Maren Svendsen ; Hydle, Ida Marie (2024). Koronapandemiens betydning for barn og unge som mottok tiltak fra barnevernet. Erfaringer fra ungdom og barnevernansatte. ISBN: 978-82-7894-861-3. 63 p. NOVA/OsloMet. Vol. 2024.

Ugreninov, Elisabeth ; Bjørnshagen, Vegar ; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad ; Folkvord, Maren Svendsen ; Finjarn, Christine (2023). Arbeid, helse og tilrettelegging under og etter koronapandemien. En studie av yrkesaktive og studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser og langvarige helseproblemer. ISBN: 978-82-7894-841-5. 103 p. NOVA/OsloMet . Vol. 2023.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete