Maren Svendsen Folkvord works as a researcher at the health and welfare section at NOVA, and she has currently a full-time position on the research project STRIDE. She has also worked for two years at the Childhood, Family and Child Welfare section, where she researched vulnerable young people and their families. She holds a master's degree in sociology from the University of Oslo (2021). The master's thesis was about differences between digital and bodily interaction between people, as well as the creation and feeling of community and intimacy. Folkvord's research interests include vulnerable children and young people, child welfare services, digital communication and social media, school and education, body and emotions, exclusion, inclusion, friendship and community.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Belongning Childhood and youth Qualitative methods Pupils community Social media The body and sensory experience Digital communication Digitalisation in K12- education Gender and ethnic diversity in eduction
Research groups
Research projects
Consequences of the Pandemic for Living Conditions and Equality
In this project we will investigate the consequences of the pandemic for living conditions for children and young people, equality in families and for individuals, including children and adults with disabilities.
Evaluation of the Children's and Family Agency's arena flexible team for child welfare
The project will generate knowledge that can shed light on whether the Children and Family Agency's arena-flexible team is functioning as intended and whether there is a need for changes in the measures.
Key Inclusive Development Strategies for Life-Long Learning (KIDS4ALLL)
KIDS4ALLL aims to pilot an innovative action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
Strategies for Achieving Equity and Inclusion in Education, Training and Learning in Democratic Europe (STRIDE)
STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in education, training and learning outcomes in Europe.
Publications and research
Research reports
Skiple, Alida
Mathisen, Tina
Bruland, Stine
Folkvord, Maren Svendsen
Barne- og familieetatens arenafleksible tiltak for barnevernet. En kvalitativ evaluering av arenafleksibelt team barnevern psykisk helse (AFT) og arenafleksibelt behandlingsteam (ABT).
ISBN: 978-82-7894-872-9.
162 p.
Skiple, Alida
Folkvord, Maren Svendsen
Hydle, Ida Marie
Koronapandemiens betydning for barn og unge som mottok tiltak fra barnevernet. Erfaringer fra ungdom og barnevernansatte.
ISBN: 978-82-7894-861-3.
63 p.
Vol. 2024.
Mathisen, Tina ; Bruland, Stine ; Folkvord, Maren Svendsen (2024). Barne- og familieetatens arenafleksible tiltak for barnevernet. En kvalitativ evaluering av arenafleksibelt team barnevern psykisk helse (AFT) og arenafleksibelt behandlingsteam (ABT). OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
Vedeler, Janikke Solstad
Folkvord, Maren Svendsen
; Finjarn, Christine
Arbeid, helse og tilrettelegging under og etter koronapandemien. En studie av yrkesaktive og studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser og langvarige helseproblemer.
ISBN: 978-82-7894-841-5.
103 p.
NOVA/OsloMet .
Vol. 2023.