Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Sociology Political science and organisational theory Cultural studies
Subject areas
Migration Welfare state Poland Public health
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations (Paths2Include)
PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes that shape barriers or facilitate inclusive labour markets in Europe.
Strategies for Achieving Equity and Inclusion in Education, Training and Learning in Democratic Europe (STRIDE)
STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in education, training and learning outcomes in Europe.
Completed research projects
Key Inclusive Development Strategies for Life-Long Learning (KIDS4ALLL)
KIDS4ALLL aims to pilot an innovative action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
Local Match in Refugee Resettlement
This project aims to discover how the government can better match newly arrived refugees with Norwegian municipalities through better linking of settlement, skills, and labour needs.
Social Impact Measurement for Civil Society Organizations (SIM4CSOs)
SIM4CSOs is an Erasmus + project that intends to empower the operation of non-profits within Civil Society by enhancing their effectiveness, transparency and governance through the application of social impact measurement methods.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Trąbka, Agnieszka; Pustułka, Paula;
Bell, Justyna
Making Sense of Data Interrelations in Qualitative Longitudinal and Multi-Perspective Analysis.
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung.
Vol. 25.
Bell, Justyna
Staver, Anne Balke
; Tolgensbakk, Ida
State crisis response versus transnational family living: An online ethnography among transnational families during the pandemic.
17 p.
Migration Studies.
Vol. 11.
Bell, Justyna ; Staver, Anne Balke ; Tolgensbakk, Ida (2023). “I am torn to pieces” Transnational citizenship and COVID-19. Takle, Marianne; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir (Ed.). Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. p. 162-174. Routledge.
Patel, Kishan; Bosqui, Tania; Kouvonen, Anne; Donnelly, Michael; Väänänen, Ari;
Bell, Justyna
; O’Reilly, Dermot
Unmet need for mental health medication within the migrant population of Northern Ireland: a record linkage study.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Bell, Justyna
; Trąbka, Agnieszka; Pustulka, Paula
Ethics of relational and representational disclosures in qualitative migration research.
12 p.
Qualitative Research Journal.
Heggebø, Kristian
Bell, Justyna
; Tolgensbakk, Ida;
Elstad, Jon Ivar
«Crowded out»? Relative forskjeller og relativt store tolkningsproblemer.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.
Vol. 60.
Pustulka, Paula;
Bell, Justyna
; Trabka, Agnieszka
Questionable Insiders: Changing Positionalities of Interviewers throughout Stages of Migration Research.
Field Methods.
Vol. 31.
Struzik, Justyna; Bell, Justyna ; Slusarczyk, Magdalena; Pustulka, Paula (2018). Handling Ambivalence. Transnational Health Practices and Migrant Evaluations of Health Services. Struzik, Justyna; Pustulka, Paula; Slusarczyk, Magdalena (Ed.). Contemporary Migrant Families Actors and Issues . p. 48-73. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bell, Justyna
; Domecka, Markieta
The transformative potential of migration: Polish migrants’ everyday life experiences in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
16 p.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography.
Vol. 25.
Muellmann, Saskia; Steenbock, Berit; De Cocker, Katrien; De Craemer, Marieke; Hayes, Catherine; O’Shea, Miriam; Horodyska, Karolina;
Bell, Justyna
; Luszczynska, Aleksandra;
Roos, Gun
; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Rugseth, Gro;
Terragni, Laura
; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes; Pischke, Claudia
Views of policy makers and Health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project.
17 p.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 17.