Erika Gubrium has a PhD in sociology and history of education from the University of Florida (2006), a masters in International Social Welfare and Health Policy (MIS) from OsloMet (2009) and is Professor of social work and social policy at the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy (SCSP). She teaches qualitative methods at MIS and Social Work in a Global Perspective at the bachelors level. Gubrium leads education-research collaboration projects with National Law School University, Bangalore and Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Her research expertise lies within the fields of international and comparative anti-poverty policy, with a focus on the social psychological aspects of poverty; temporality, space, policy and belonging processes experienced by immigrants; the intersection between social work and social policy in theory and practice; and qualitative research methodology. She is currently Deputy Editor of the journal, Nordic Social Work Research.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Sustainable wellbeing through investment in social services (SWINS)
The project aims to bridge knowledge gaps on how investments in social services influence macroeconomic stability and the EU’s sustainability transition.
Completed research projects
Critical perspectives on work integration of immigrants
The project focuses on how work inclusion may improve the social inclusion of migrants within comparative urban settings.
Immigrant lives in Norway over time and place (SITUATE)
SITUATE aims to understand how immigrants draw on and actively refer to their integration experiences as they situationally understand time, place/space and changing identity with reference to their personal integration trajectories.
Replay or renew? Learning from 20+ years of Norwegian-Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region (RE:BARENTS)
RE:BARENTS will examine the impact of Norwegian–Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region since 2000.
Work Inclusion in North and South: Comparative Urban Contexts (WINS)
The WINS project focuses on how work inclusion may improve the social inclusion of migrants within comparative urban settings.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Gubrium, Erika
Aasland, Aadne
Lindskog, Benedikte V
; Arteaga, Erika Gabriela Lopez; Mikheev, Igor
“It Seemed Like Forever!” Shrinking Spaces of Conviviality at the Border of Norway and Russia.
20 p.
Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Gubrium, Erika
Shifting the gaze on welfare-state sustainability in Norway: a proposal for a relational global view.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy.
Vol. 20.
Minas, Renate; Pötzsch, Tobias; Blomberg-Kroll, Helena; Gubrium, Erika ; Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Skotte, Pernille Stornæss (2024). Virtual exchange in a Nordic context New pedagogical strategies for improving digital interaction between Nordic Social Work students. ISBN: 9781032655536. Routledge.
Gubrium, Erika (2024). Anti-Poverty Interventions across "Most Different" Settings: Considering Change over Time in Comparisons of Emotional Impact. Biswas, Sattwick Dey; Sambo, Cleopas Gabriel; Pellissery, Sony (Ed.). The Politics of Welfare in the Global South. Oxford University Press.
Hansen, Helle Cathrine
Gubrium, Erika
Norwegian labour activation: Building or limiting social citizenship for service users far from the labour market?.
Takle, Marianne; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir (Ed.).
Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. p. 134-147.
Hansen, Helle Cathrine
Gubrium, Erika
Moving forward, waiting or standing still? Service users’ experiences from a Norwegian labour activation programme.
European Journal of Social Work.
Hansen, Helle Cathrine
Gubrium, Erika
Activating the person in the changing situation: A dynamic analytical approach to labour activation.
Journal of Comparative Social Work.
Vol. 16.
Khoronzhevych, Mariya; Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana;
Gubrium, Erika
; Muller, Ashley Elizabeth
Participant Engagement in Supported Employment: A Systematic Scoping Review.
12 p.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation.
Gubrium, Erika
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
Taking Time Seriously: Biographical Circumstance and Immigrant Labor Integration Experience.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Andersen, Nina Helene Barth;
Gubrium, Erika
Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær
Young people looking forward: imagined future and normative tensions in urban Norway.
Children & society.