Norwegian version
Ariana Guilherme Fernandes

Ariana Guilherme Fernandes


I am a social worker with a master's in International Social Welfare and Health Policy and a PhD in social work from the University of Gothenburg. My teaching experience and research interests are related to integration policy for new refugees and immigrants, the introduction program, social problems and inequality, social work in NAV, user involvement, intersectionality, anti-racist social work, critical social work, and social work in a global context. I am responsible for the courses: ‘Intersectionality: Interaction of Social Categories’ (SP9230), ‘Social work in a global perspective’ (SOSV32220) and ‘The Intersection of Social Categories in Social Work’(SFV4300).

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social work

Subject areas

Intergration policy   Comparative Politics   Immigrants   Integration   Integreringstiltak


The Nordic Countries


Denmark   Norway   Sweden

Research projects

Scientific publications

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme ; Rugkåsa, Marianne (2023). Antirasistisk sosialt arbeid. ISBN: 9788205564633. 198 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme ; Kjørstad, Monica (2022). Samhandling på ulike premisser? Brukermedvirkning i introduksjonsprogrammet for nyankomne flyktninger. Saltkjel, Therese; Rønningstad, Chris Andre; Sønderskov, Mette (Ed.). Samhandling og inkludering i arbeidslivet . p. 140-160. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme (2015). (Dis)Empowering New Immigrants and Refugees Through Their Participation in Introduction Programs in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 20 p. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. Vol. 13.

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme (2015). Introduktionsprogram för nyanlända i Sverige, Danmark och Norge. Montesino, Norma; Righard, Erica (Ed.). p. 63-85. Gleerups Utbildning AB.

Gubrium, Erika ; Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme (2014). Policing Norwegian Welfare: Disciplining and Differentiating within the Bottom Rungs. Social Inclusion. Vol. 2.

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme (2013). Ethnification of New Social Risks: Programmes for Preparing Newly Arrived Immigrants for (Working) Life in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Harsløf, Ivan; Ulmestig, Rickard (Ed.). Changing Social Risks and Social Policy Responses in the Nordic Welfare States. p. 189-219. Palgrave Macmillan.

Fernandes, Ariana Guilherme (2011). En studie av to integreringstiltak og deres underliggende ideologi. Bø, Bente Puntervold (Ed.). Multikulturell Teori og Flerkulturelle Praksiser. p. 46-77. Abstrakt forlag.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete