Norwegian version
Wenche Bekken

Wenche Bekken


Wenche Bekken is Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy. She has her MSc in social anthropology, and a PhD in children’s participation in paediatric rehabilitation and professional work from the University of Oslo, Department of Health and Society.

Her recent projects are about the transition to adulthood among young adults, and the role of professionals. And second, how social workers produce knowledge in various fields of work. Her current research interests fall into three areas: 1. Critical views on biomedical perspectives and the role of experience of young adults for a social model of human rights and conceptions of normality among professionals. 2. The challenges young adults with disabilities face in their daily life. 3. How the experience of the people with disabilities are reflected in legal, political and social conceptions of citizenship. Other areas of interest are social inequality in health, and the promotion of social aspects of individuals in encounters with welfare services. She holds interest and gives courses in theoretical perspectives on diversity, social work, the philosphy of science and qualitative methods. 

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Community medicine, social medicine   Social work   Social anthropology

Research projects

Scientific publications

Bekken, Wenche ; Rugkåsa, Marianne (2024). Liminalitet og appropriering: Antropologiske blikk på sosialt arbeid. 14 p. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 35.

Bekken, Wenche ; Ytterhus, Borgunn; Søderstrøm, Sylvia (2021). ‘In the Next Moment I Answer, it is Not Possible.’ Professionals’ Experiences from Transition Planning for Young People. 9 p. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 23.

Semb, Randi; Bekken, Wenche ; Borg, Marit (2020). Narrow Normality or Inadequate Services? Supporting Citizenship for Young Adults in Challenging Situations. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health. Vol. 4.

Bekken, Wenche (2020). Negotiating embodied knowledge in transition to adulthood: a social model of human rights. Disability & Society.

Gubrium, Erika ; Bekken, Wenche (2019). Holdninger til velferd. Bruk av dybdeintervju. Aamodt, Hilde Anette; Dahl, Espen; Gubrium, Erika; Haldar, Marit; Hermansen, Åsmund (Ed.). Sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk i samhandling. p. 212-225. Fagbokforlaget.

Bekken, Wenche (2018). Rullestoler i sosial praksis mellom barn - et rom for muligheter. Seim, Sissel; Sæter, Oddrun Kristine (Ed.). Barn og unge. By, sted og sosiomaterialitet.. p. 143-158. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bekken, Wenche ; Dahl, Espen ; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (2017). Tackling health inequality at the local level: Some critical reflections on the future of Norwegian policies. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 45.

Bekken, Wenche (2017). Decision-Making in Paediatric Rehabilitation: Exploring Professionals’ and Children’s Views on Decision-Making Involvement. 11 p. Children & society. Vol. 31.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Bekken, Wenche (2016). Openness to difference: Inclusion in sports occupations for children with (dis)abilities. 12 p. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS). Vol. 23.

Bekken, Wenche (2014). "‘I want them to see that I feel normal’: three children’s experiences from attending consultations in paediatric rehabilitation". Disability & Society. Vol. 29.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete