I am a researcher with extensive interests spanning various sociological domains:
- I harbor a special interest in exploring the symbolic and real boundaries of 'Norwegianness', delving into subjects of racism, and studying the dynamics of ethnic diversity.
- My research also encompasses methodologies and practices within the police force, where I focus on ethnic diversity as a resource, racism, ethnic profiling, along with the control practices and use of power.
- Moreover, I am intrigued by the concepts of ethnic capital and strong social control, in addition to the experiences of immigrants as they interact with welfare services, navigate bureaucracy, and grapple with regulations.
My expertise includes a wide array of qualitative methods such as:
- life history interviews
- focus group interviews
- vignette interviews
- fieldwork
- interpreter-mediated interviews
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Psychology Social and occupational psychology
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Labour-market integration of Ukrainian refugees in Norway (UKRINT)
The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the largest yearly influx of refugees in Norway to date.
Regulating migration and membership through monetary requirements (REMIMO)
In this research project, the researchers will take a closer look at how time and money affect immigration and integration in Norway in different ways.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Liodden, Tone
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
A Lonely Position. Misrecognition and Belonging Among International Adoptees in Norway.
Adoption Quarterly.
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
Hernes, Vilde
Liodden, Tone
Tronstad, Kristian
Utenlandsadoptertes erfaringer med rasisme og diskriminering.
22 p.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.
Vol. 64.
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
Microaggression within the patrol service–a barrier against ethnic representation?.
16 p.
Police Practice & Research.
Gubrium, Erika
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
Taking Time Seriously: Biographical Circumstance and Immigrant Labor Integration Experience.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
; Ellefsen, Hjørdis Birgitte
«Det er ikke oss mot dere» Etnisitet som ressurs i politiets møter med etnisk minoritetsungdom.
21 p.
Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing (NJSP).
Vol. 7.
Bjørkelo, Brita; Bye, Hege Høivik;
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
; Egge, Marit;
Ganapathy, Jaishankar
Diversity in Education and Organization:From Political Aims to Practice in the Norwegian Police Service.
Police Quarterly (PQ).
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
«Medaljens bakside»: Omkostninger av etnisk kapital for utdanning.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.
Vol. 56.
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye (2012). "Å ta kunsthistorie eller statsvitenskap er en luksus ikke alle kan unne seg" : kan utdanningsatferd forstås ut fra ulike kapitalformer i etniske nettverk?. 28 p. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Vol. 53.
Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye
Silent Gratitude : education among Second-Generation Vietnamese in Norway.
18 p.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Vol. 37.
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye (2010). "For mors skyld" utdanning, takknemlighet og status blant unge med pakistansk og indisk bakgrunn. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. Vol. 10.