Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Political science and organisational theory Sociology
Subject areas
Migration Intergration policy Governance Inclusion policy Gender and development research Immigration Informal settlements Etniske relasjoner
Research projects
Completed research projects
From Settlement to Adult Life. A Study of the Service Chain for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees
The research project will provide up-to-date knowledge about the services offered to young refugees who have come as unaccompanied minors and who have achieved residency in Norway.
Local Match in Refugee Resettlement
This project aims to discover how the government can better match newly arrived refugees with Norwegian municipalities through better linking of settlement, skills, and labour needs.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Haug, Marit
Aasland, Aadne
Aasen, Berit
Attitudes Towards Women’s Participation in Local Politics in South Asia.
Forum for Development Studies.
Williams, Glyn; Omankuttan, Umesh; Devika, J.;
Aasen, Berit
Enacting participatory, gender-sensitive slum redevelopment? Urban governance, power and participation in Trivandrum, Kerala.
Vol. 96.
Braathen, Einar ; Jordhus-Lier, David Christoffer; Aasen, Berit ; Sutherland, Catherine (2016). Urban poverty and inequality in Rio de Janeiro, Durban and Cape Town. Braathen, Einar; May, Julian; Ulriksen, Marianne S.; Wright, Gemma C. (Ed.). Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries. p. 143-166. Zed Books.