Norwegian version

National Safety Survey 2020

The project will map concern for crime and victims of crime in Norway.

The National safety survey will map concern for crime and victims of crime in Norway. Presently several databases provide such information but only partially. Firstly, concern for crime among Norwegian citizens is not mapped and secondly, not all crime is reported. 

Knowledge of concern for crime as well as victimization is paramount for developing policies and conducting research. 

National safety survey will be conducted in the spring of 2021. A representative sample of the Norwegian population, consisting of 70 000 individuals aged 16 – 84 years, will be invited to participate. In the survey, we ask about concern for crime and if they have been victims of crime. 

The project is a collaboration between NOVA (project manager), OsloMet, Ideas2evidence and the Frisch center. The project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.