Norwegian version
Magne Jørgensen

Magne Jørgensen

Fields of study

Subject areas

Informatics   Computer science   Estimation   Quality assurance   Software process improvement   System development

Scientific publications

Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Fernø, Martin; Flemisch, Bernd; Juanes, Ruben; Jørgensen, Magne (2024). Experimentally assessing the uncertainty of forecasts of geological carbon storage. 12 p. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 135.

Molléri, Jefferson; Lassenius, Casper; Jørgensen, Magne (2023). Backsourcing of IT with focus on software development — A systematic literature review. 30 p. Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 204.

Berg, Helene; Holgeid, Knut Kjetil; Jørgensen, Magne ; Volden, Gro Holst (2023). Successful IT projects – A multiple case study of benefits management practices. Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 219.

Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Jørgensen, Magne ; Carlsen, Frode Odde; Carström, Lena; Engelsrud, Jens; Hansvold, Kine; Heibø-Bagheri, Mari; Røe, Kjetil; Sørensen, Karl Ove Vika (2022). Enabling autonomous teams and continuous deployment at scale. IT Professional Magazine. Vol. 24.

Holgeid, Knut Kjetil; Jørgensen, Magne ; Volden, Gro Holst; Berg, Helene (2022). Realising benefits in public IT projects: A multiple case study. 18 p. IET Software. Vol. 7.

Jørgensen, Magne ; Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Liestøl, Knut (2022). When should we (not) use the mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE) as an error measure in software development effort estimation?. 4 p. Information and Software Technology. Vol. 143.

Jørgensen, Magne ; Escott, Eban (2022). Relative estimates of software development effort: Are they more accurate or less time-consuming to produce than absolute estimates, and to what extent are they person-independent?. 9 p. Information and Software Technology. Vol. 143.

Berg, Helene; Holgeid, Knut Kjetil; Jørgensen, Magne ; Volden, Gro Holst (2021). Hvordan lykkes med digitalisering? En undersøkelse av nyttestyring i IT-prosjekter i offentlig sektor. ISBN: 978-82-8433-005-1. 141 p. Ex ante akademisk forlag.

Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Jørgensen, Magne (2021). When 2 + 2 should be 5: The summation fallacy in time prediction. 13 p. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.

Jørgensen, Magne ; Bergersen, Gunnar R. ; Liestøl, Knut (2021). Relations between Effort Estimates, Skill Indicators, and Measured Programming Skill. 14 p. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Vol. 47.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete