Mikkel Berg-Nordlie's work is focused on analyses of interaction between state and non-state actors, minority representation and minority organizations, and media studies.
He works particularly with ethnic politics and -policy, especially that concerning indigenous peoples, but also does research on immigrant issues. He generally works in Russia and the Nordic countries, but has also done research in the Caucasus and the Himalayas.
Berg-Nordlie is currently involved in several projects about contemporary Sámi politics and policy in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden; and several projects that deal with developments in Russian politics.
More information, including publication list, can be found in the CV (right column).
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
IMPART - Indigenous representation in majority-based parties
The IMPART project studies majority-based political parties as arenas for Indigenous political activism, through the case of the Sámi people in Norway and Sweden.
Completed research projects
Accommodation of Regional Diversity in Ukraine (ARDU)
ARDU's main goal is to produce knowledge of how ethnicity, language and regional-local identity work in the context of political reform in Ukraine.
Replay or renew? Learning from 20+ years of Norwegian-Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region (RE:BARENTS)
RE:BARENTS will examine the impact of Norwegian–Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region since 2000.
Russian policies of influence in the populist-pragmatic nexus
The main goal of the project is to provide new knowledge about how Russia pursues its interests vis-à-vis Norway and other European countries, in particular how the interaction between domestic politics in Russia and domestic actors in Russia's European neighboring countries shapes Russia's actions.
The multiethnic rural community: Exclusion or inclusion of immigrants?
In the project "The Multiethnic Rural Community: Exclusion or inclusion of immigrants?" (MultiRur) is the aim to investigate how immigration affects rural Norway.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Myhre, Marthe Handå
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
‘Antigenderism’ as Russian Soft Power? Comparing Discourse on Sexual and Gender Minorities in Russia and Norway.
Europe-Asia Studies.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel (2024). En kort introduksjon til samenes historie. ISBN: 978-82-02-83766-2. 230 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel (2023). «Bysamiske kjerneområder» — hva kan vi si om samisk urbanisering og hvor bor bysamene?. Eira, Inger Marie Gaup; Pharo, Lars Kirkhusmo; Molstad, Christian Sørlien; Christensen, Cato; Josefsen, Eva (Ed.). Samiske tall forteller 15. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2023. Sámi allaskuvla.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
«Stádasámij guovdásj bájke»
— majt sáme urbanisierima birra
diehtep ja goabbelin stádasáme
Eira, Inger Marie Gaup; Pharo, Lars Kirkhusmo; Molstad, Christian Sørlien; Christensen, Cato; Josefsen, Eva (Ed.).
Samiske tall forteller 15. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2023. p. 142-159.
Sámi allaskuvla.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
; Dankertsen, Astri;
Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold
An Urban Future for Sápmi?.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel; Dankertsen, Astri; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Ed.).
An urban future for Sápmi? Indigenous urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia. p. 245-259.
Berghahn Books.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
; Dankertsen, Astri;
Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold
Indigenousness and Urbanization.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel; Dankertsen, Astri; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Ed.).
An urban future for Sápmi? Indigenous urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia. p. 1-29.
Berghahn Books.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel ; Dankertsen, Astri; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2022). An urban future for Sápmi? Indigenous urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia. ISBN: 978-1-80073-264-3. 298 p. Berghahn Books.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel (2022). Norsk antisamisme i historie og nåtid. Døving, Cora Alexa (Ed.). Rasisme : Fenomenet, forskningen, erfaringene. Universitetsforlaget.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
; Andersen, Anna; Dankertsen, Astri
Urban Indigenous Organizing and Institution-Building in Norway and Russia: By and For Whom?.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel; Dankertsen, Astri; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Ed.).
An urban future for Sápmi? Indigenous urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia. p. 147-218.
Berghahn Books.
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel ; Andersen, Anna (2022). Cities in Sápmi, Sámi in the Cities. Indigenous Urbanization in the Nordic Countries and Russia. Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel; Dankertsen, Astri; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Ed.). An urban future for Sápmi? Indigenous urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia. p. 54-106. Berghahn Books.