Fields of study
Subject areas
Ethics Political Philosophy Research ethics Emotions Rationality Metaphysics Philosophy of science Artificial intelligence Free Will Love Philosophy of Technology Normativity
Administrative field of work
Research projects
Completed research projects
DigiGen – The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation
DigiGen aims to develop knowledge about how children and young people use and are affected by the technological transformations in their everyday lives.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Roland, Monica
Se og bli sett: Om kjærlighet og det kjærlighetsfulle blikket.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 57.
Roland, Monica (2021). Love, Motivation, and Reasons: The Case of the Drowning Wife. Cushing, Simon (Ed.). New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving. p. 215-239. Palgrave Macmillan.
Roland, Monica
Kjærlighet og respekt: Svakheter og styrker ved David Vellemans teori om kjærlighet som en moralsk emosjon.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 56.
Roland, Monica
To will or not to will: To forskjellige lesninger av Nietzsche.
Filosofisk supplement.
Vol. 2.