Norwegian version
Marco Tagliabue

Marco Tagliabue


Associate professor, behavioral scientist, and licensed psychologist in Italy. Ph.D. in behavior analysis from OsloMet and lecturer in behavioral economics and risk management in complex systems.

Research interests include:
Choice behavior and decision making with non-economic incentives.
Nudging, boosting, and behavioral insights for policymaking.
Cooperation and wellbeing in organizations.
Culturo-behavior analysis of sustainability.

Prior to entering academia, international industrial/organizational psychologist with experience in training, selection, and development in manufacturing.

Fields of study

Subject areas

Psychological Anthropology   Behavioral Sciences   Work and organisational psychology   Behavioral economics

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Tagliabue, Marco ; Łęgosz-Tagliabue, Izabella Kazimiera (2024). Culturo-Behavioral Contributions to a Sustainable Market: The Interplay of Producers’ and Consumers’ Practices. Behavior and Social Issues (BSI).

Cesareo, Massimo; Tagliabue, Marco ; Lopes, Magdalena Edyta; Moderato, Paolo (2023). Framing Effects on Willingness and Perceptions towards COVID-19 Vaccination among University Students in Italy: An Exploratory Study. Vaccines. Vol. 11.

Krawiec, Jakub M.; Mizak, Szymon; Tagliabue, Marco ; Białaszek, Wojciech (2022). Delay discounting of money and health outcomes, and adherence to policy guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health. Vol. 10.

Tagliabue, Marco (2022). Tutorial. A Behavioral Analysis of Rationality, Nudging, and Boosting: Implications for Policymaking. 30 p. Perspectives on Behavior Science.

Tagliabue, Marco ; Cesareo, Massimo; Squatrito, Valeria; Presti, Giovambattista (2021). A Functional Contextualist Account of Behavioral Economics: Relational Frame Theory Applied to Decision-Making and Choice Behavior. 23 p. Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento. Vol. 12.

Khanal, Puspa; Bento, Fabio ; Tagliabue, Marco (2021). A Scoping Review of Organizational Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Schools: A Complex Systems Perspective. Education Sciences. Vol. 11.

Cesareo, Massimo; Tagliabue, Marco ; Oppo, Annalisa; Moderato, Paolo (2021). The ubiquity of social reinforcement: A nudging exploratory study to reduce the overuse of smartphones in social contexts. Cogent Psychology. Vol. 8.

Carvalho Couto, Kalliu ; Moura Lorenzo, Flora; Tagliabue, Marco ; Borges Henriques, Marcelo; Freitas Lemos, Roberta (2020). Underlying Principles of a Covid-19 Behavioral Vaccine for a Sustainable Cultural Change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 17.

Tagliabue, Marco ; Sigurjonsdottir, Sigridur ; Sandaker, Ingunn (2020). The effects of performance feedback on organizational citizenship behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 21 p. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Bento, Fabio ; Tagliabue, Marco ; Sandaker, Ingunn (2020). Complex systems and social behavior: Bridging social networks and behavior analysis. Cihon, Traci M.; Mattaini, Mark A. (Ed.). Behavior Science Perspectives on Culture and Community. p. 67-91. Springer.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete