Norwegian version
Rachelle Esterhazy

Rachelle Esterhazy


My research interests include primary processes in (professional) higher education, such as feedback, assessment, pedagogical design, (interprofessional) collaborative learning and simulation-based learning. I have expertise in qualitative methodology, design-based research and (multimodal) learning analytics, which I combine to study processes at the micro (e.g. meaning-making within student groups) and meso level (e.g. dropout, student-centred course designs). I work with different theories but have my primary rooting in sociocultural theories of learning.

I am co-PI of the project TeamLearn - Teamwork analytics for training collaborative problem solving in professional higher education (NFR funded 2021-2026; Main PI Crina Damsa, UiO):

I am project member in the project BraStart!, which is a learning analytics approach to exploring academic integration and dropout among first-year undergraduate students at University of Oslo (Strategic UiO funding 2023-2025):

At the Centre for the Study of Professions, I teach the course in university pedagogy and the course for PhD supervisors.

I am member of the research group PKK (Profesjonskunnskap- or kvalifisering) at SPS and HEDWORK (Knowledge, Learning and Governance - Studies in higher education and work) at UiO.

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Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Scientific publications

Bearman, Margaret; Tai, Joanna; Henderson, Michael; Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Mahoney, Paige; Molloy, Elizabeth (2024). Enhancing feedback practices within PhD supervision: a qualitative framework synthesis of the literature. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

Mülder, Hannah; Bergstrøm, Nora; Enqvist-Jensen, Cecilie; Esterhazy, Rachelle (2023). Student Staff as Co-Designers in Higher Education. Blikstein, Paulo; van Aalst, Jan; Kizito, Rita; Brennan, Karen (Ed.). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023. p. 1973-1974. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).

de Lange, Thomas; Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Wittek, Anne Line (2023). Peer Group Mentoring Among Faculty Staff in Higher Education. de Lange, Thomas; Wittek, Anne Line (Ed.). Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education - Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer.

Damsa, Crina I.; Muukkonen, Hanni; Gasevic, Dragan; Janssen, Jeroen J. W. M.; Van Leeuwen, Anousckha; Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Araos Moya, Andres Arturo; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Gasevic, Daniela (2022). Contrasting analytical approaches to trace collaborative learning with knowledge object. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series (CSCL).

Damsa, Crina I.; Erstad, Ola Andres ; Sefton-Green, Julian; hillman, Thomas; Araos Moya, Andres Arturo; Richter, Christoph; de Haan, Mariette; Kerssens, Nils; Silseth, Kenneth; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Mäkitalo, Åsa (2022). Platformization in and of education ̶Exploring a new research agenda. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series (CSCL).

Esterhazy, Rachelle ; de Lange, Thomas; Damsa, Crina I. (2021). Performing teacher feedback literacy in peer mentoring meetings. 14 p. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Heinonen, Erkki; Hau, Stephan; Nielsen, Jan; Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Hoff, Cecilie Hillestad; Strømme, Hanne (2021). Learning Processes and Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills in Training and Supervision of Psychotherapy and Counselling: A Study Protocol for a Scoping Review. 5 p. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 12.

Esterhazy, Rachelle ; de Lange, Thomas; Bastiansen, Sofie; Wittek, Anne Line (2021). Moving Beyond Peer Review of Teaching: A Conceptual Framework for Collegial Faculty Development. 34 p. Review of Educational Research. Vol. 91.

Esterhazy, Rachelle ; Gijbels, David (2021). Widening the Methodological Lens on the Investigation of Diversity in the Transition to Higher Education: A Discussion. 6 p. Frontline Learning Research. Vol. 9.

Esterhazy, Rachelle ; de Lange, Thomas; Wittek, Anne Line; Bastiansen, Siri Sofie Vasrud (2021). Kollegaveileding i høyere utdanning: Hva sier internasjonal forskning?. Wittek, Anne Line; de Lange, Thomas (Ed.). Kollegaveiledning i høyere utdanning. p. 27-47. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete