Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Public and private administration
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Gender, citizenship and academic power - GAP
GAP will investigate how globalization and internationalization influence the gender balance in research and higher education.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Vabø, Agnete ; Schmidt, Evanthia Kalpazidou (2025). Emerging governance issues within a changing geopolitical landscape for international collaboration in Nordic public research. Pekkola, Elias; Johanson, Jan-Erik; Mikkonen, Marjukka; Stenvall, Jari; Siirtola, Emmi (Ed.). Future Public Governance and Global Crises: Nordic Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vabø, Agnete
; Kalpazidou, Evanthia
Emerging Geopolitical Barriers to the Realization of International Policies for Collaboration in Higher Education and Research: The Case of Scandinavia.
19 p.
International Perspectives on Education and Society.
Egeland, Cathrine
Vabø, Agnete
Kjønnsbalanse og samarbeid i globaliserte forskergrupper En studie av forskningspraksiser i klimaforskningen.
Aarseth, Helene; Owesen, Ingeborg Winderen (Ed.).
Kjønn og akademia: På vei mot BALANSE?.
Reymert, Ingvild
Vabø, Agnete
Borlaug, Siri Brorstad
; Jungblut, Jens Patrick Wilhelm
Barriers to attracting the best researchers: perceptions of academics in economics and physics in three European countries.
20 p.
Higher Education.
Borlaug, Siri Brorstad
Tellmann, Silje Maria
Vabø, Agnete
Nested identities and identification in higher education institutions—the role of organizational and academic identities.
Higher Education.
Pietilä, Maria;
Drange, Ida
; Silander, Charlotte;
Vabø, Agnete
Gender and Globalization of Academic Labor Markets: Research and Teaching Staff at Nordic Universities.
Social Inclusion.
Vol. 3.
Vabø, Agnete
; Langfeldt, Liv
The Position of Technical Universities Within Changing Frameworks of Institutional Organisation and Steering: The Case of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Geschwind, Lars; Broström, Anders; Larsen, Katarina (Ed.).
Technical Universities. Past, present and future. . p. 45-59.
Elken, Mari; Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika ; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Stensaker, Bjørn; Vabø, Agnete (2020). Quality Work in Higher Education. Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions. ISBN: 978-3-030-41756-7. 186 p. Springer.
Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka; Börjesson, Mikael; Beach, Dennis; Haltia, Nina; Jónasson, Jón Torfi; Jauhiainen, Anukka; Jauhiainen, Arto; Kosunen, Sonja; Nori, Hanna;
Vabø, Agnete
Access and stratification in Nordic higher education. A review of cross-cutting research themes and issues*,.
13 p.
Education Inquiry.
Vol. 9.
Vabø, Agnete
Global: Gender and International Research Cooperation.
Mihut, Georgiana; Altbach, Phillip G.; de Wit, Hans (Ed.).
Understanding Higher Education Internationalization. Insights from Key Global Publications. p. 307-309.