I am Head of Department at the Oslo Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) and have a PhD in Political Science from the University of Oslo. Earlier I served as Head of Section at our Business School and from 2014 to 2021 I worked as a senior researcher at The Nordic Institute for Studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). I have also been a senior researcher at the Institute of Social Research (ISF), and in 2019 I was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. I am also a member of the Young Academy of Norway and external chairperson for the faculty board at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Agder.
My fields of research are public policy analysis and organizational studies with a special focus on research policy and higher education studies. In my research I aim to understand the steering of public sector such as universities and research institutions. I both apply qualitative methods and quantitative methods in R.
In my research I have been investigating how we can understand academic recruitment processes, the use of bibliometrics in science, trust in peer review, researchers’ engagement in third mission activities such as dissemination and industry collaboration, mergers between higher education institutions and researchers’ collaboration in research groups.
At OsloMet I teach master courses in policy analysis (MSL4000) and organizational studies (MSLV4100).
For more information about my research and work related activities please visit my LinkedIn profile: https://no.linkedin.com/in/ingvild-reymert-a8596225, ResearchGate profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ingvild-Reymert, or Twitter account @i_reymert.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Thune, Taran Mari;
Reymert, Ingvild
; Gulbrandsen, Magnus; Simensen, Erlend Osland
Populating the science-policy co-production space: academic and policymaker perspectives on knowledge exchange.
13 p.
Studies in Higher Education.
Vol. 48.
Langfeldt, Liv;
Reymert, Ingvild
; Svartefoss, Silje Marie
Distrust in grant peer review — reasons and remedies.
Science and Public Policy.
Reymert, Ingvild
Handling Multiple Institutional Logics in Professorial Recruitment.
Higher Education Policy.
Reymert, Ingvild
Vabø, Agnete
Borlaug, Siri Brorstad
; Jungblut, Jens Patrick Wilhelm
Barriers to attracting the best researchers: perceptions of academics in economics and physics in three European countries.
20 p.
Higher Education.
Reymert, Ingvild S
; Thune, Taran Mari
Task complementarity in academic work: a study of the relationship between research, education and third mission tasks among university professors.
Journal of Technology Transfer.
Reymert, Ingvild S
Bibliometrics in academic recruitment: A screening tool rather than a game changer.
26 p.
Reymert, Ingvild S
; Jungblut, Jens Patrick Wilhelm;
Borlaug, Siri Brorstad
Are evaluative cultures national or global? A cross-national study on evaluative cultures in academic recruitment processes in Europe.
Higher Education.
Langfeldt, Liv;
Reymert, Ingvild S
; Aksnes, Dag W.
The role of metrics in peer assessments.
14 p.
Research Evaluation.
Vol. 30.
Frølich, Nicoline; Trondal, Jarle; Caspersen, Joakim;
Reymert, Ingvild S
Reformer i UH-sektoren. Det muliges kunst.
Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Lauvdal, Torunn (Ed.).
Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning. p. 75-98.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Kyvik, Svein;
Reymert, Ingvild
Research collaboration in groups and networks: differences across academic fields.
Vol. 113.