Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Contemporary history (after 1945)
Subject areas
History of Science History of Universities History of the social sciences History of professions
Research groups
Research projects
Renewed perspectives on research use in education (REPOSE)
This project aims to provide new analytical and methodological perspectives that will support researchers and practitioners in meeting the challenge of making productive use of research in education.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Mausethagen, Sølvi
; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie;
Thue, Fredrik
Forskningens rolle i skole og lærerutdanning.
Mausethagen, Sølvi; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (Ed.).
En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole. p. 9-27.
Mausethagen, Sølvi ; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (2023). En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole. ISBN: 9788215065540. 307 p. Universitetsforlaget.
Thue, Fredrik W.
Reformpedagogikk i norsk skoleutvikling og lærerutdanning: "den profesjonelle lærer" historisk belyst.
Mausethagen, Sølvi; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (Ed.).
En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole. p. 272-307.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara;
Thue, Fredrik W.
Conclusion Schoolteachers and the Nordic model.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt (Ed.).
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and historical perspectives. p. 229-239.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara;
Thue, Fredrik W.
Introduction: of myths and models – the unity and diversity of Nordic educational cultures.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt (Ed.).
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and historical perspectives. p. 1-22.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2022). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model. Comparative and Historical Perspectives. ISBN: 9781003082514. 260 p. Routledge.
Larsen, Lars Erik;
Thue, Fredrik W.
Elitist tradition and democratic reform: Norwegian and Danish upper-secondary teacher cultures in transition, 1960-1994.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (Ed.).
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. p. 173-189.
Thue, Fredrik W.
Preaching and teaching: the religious origins of Nordic teacher cultures.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (Ed.).
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. p. 51-67.
Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2021). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. ISBN: 978-0-367-53585-8. 245 p. Routledge.
Thue, Fredrik W. (2020). Lærerrollen og den pastorale maktens demokratisering. Uddannelseshistorie : årbog fra Selskabet for Dansk Skolehistorie. Vol. 54.