Norwegian version
Silje Sjøvaag Skeie

Silje Sjøvaag Skeie


Silje Skeie is a PhD research fellow in Educational Sciences for teacher education, where she is researching the inclusion of refugees into national education systems. 

Skeie holds an M.Phil in education from the University of Oslo, and post-graduate education in early grade literacy in developing countries from the University of Massachusetts. Skeie's background is in international education as part of humanitarian- and development aid, and she is specialised in education in emergencies, and education in the context of forced displacement. Her research interests include education in emergencies, education for refugees and forcibly displaced populations, inclusive education, gender transformative education, and comparative and international education. 

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

General education

Publications and research


Skeie, Silje Sjøvaag (2024). Den internasjonale utdanningsdagen. Bolstad, Erik (Ed.). Store norske leksikon ( 2024). Store norske leksikon.

Skeie, Silje Sjøvaag (2021). Covid-19 og utdanning: fra krise til katastrofe?.

Skeie, Silje Sjøvaag (2018). Første skoledag er ingen selvfølge. Dagbladet.

Skeie, Silje Sjøvaag (2016). Privatskoler rammer de sårbare. Aftenposten.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete