Norwegian version
Terje Ulv Throndsen

Terje Ulv Throndsen



2023 -         University Lecturer, OsloMet

2019-2023 Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Special Needs Education, UiO

2017-2018 Research Assistant, Department of Special Needs Education, UiO

2015-2017 Master in Special Needs Education with specialization in specific learning difficulties, UiO

2008-2015 Educational leader/preschool teacher, Bråten Barnehage

2010-2012 Miljøterapeut, Tangen barnevernsinstitusjon

2005-2008 Bachelors degree kindergarten teacher, HiO

Scientific publications

Throndsen, Terje Ulv ; Lindskog, Marcus; Niemivirta, Markku; Mononen, Riikka (2022). Does mathematics anxiety moderate the effect of problem difficulty on cognitive effort?. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete