Norwegian version
Tone Holt Nielsen

Tone Holt Nielsen


Tone Holt Nielsen is an Associate Professor at Oslo Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University where she teaches classes in business English and intercultural communication. She has also recently completed a PhD project at the University of Oslo, Department of School Research and Teacher Education. The topic of her PhD was the use of English as a lingua franca in multinational corporations in Norway. Her research interests are English language teaching, Business English Lingua Franca and Intercultural business communication. Tone has extensive experience teaching English for professional purposes at the Norwegian Police University College, the Norwegian Defence University College and courses for the British Council in Romania and Serbia that were part of the “Peacekeeping English Project” for the police. She has previously taught French and English in upper secondary school, American literature at the University of Oslo, and worked as an editor and project manager at Norway’s largest publisher, Gyldendal.

Scientific publications

Nielsen, Tone Holt (2020). Developing shared communication practices: A study of BELF in multinational team meetings. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. Vol. 9.

Nielsen, Tone Holt (2019). Norwegian Business Professionals´ Need for and Use of English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF) in Multinational Corporations. HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business. Vol. 59.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete