Norwegian version

Assistive technology

Assistive technology, or in the Nordic context often called welfare technology, refers to tools and services that aim to improve quality of life and wellbeing.

Target groups are especially vulnerable groups such as elderly with age related functional decline or those with disabilities. 

The technologies are commonly adaptable to individual needs to provide more freedom of movement and to overcome daily challenges for users. Aligned with the goals of the Intelligent health initiative, assistive technology enables the use of technology for health benefits.

Applications can for example focus on connecting different actors involved, like hospitals or municipalities, or support individuals in their home to lead a more independent life. Quality of life benefits can be achieved by overcoming physical, cognitive, sensory, or other impairments by

The rapid development of technology in recent years allows great opportunities for innovations although the focus on usability of the technologies is essential. The development, particularly of digital home monitoring, is strongly encouraged by Norwegian health authorities.

Assistive technology at OsloMet

Researchers at OsloMet focus on dialogues and discussions with older people to identify their needs and consider the feasibility of different technologies and services at home. Another research focus at OsloMet is to provide independent living for people with disabilities.

Some researchers at OsloMet also focus on making user-friendly applications or devices that can help support health professionals and caretakers to help patients perform their tasks with the best results.

OsloMet finds new, diverse and inclusive applications in the broad area of welfare technology to make people's day-to-day activities easier.

  • OsloMet scientists working with assistive technology

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  • Relevant research groups and research centres at OsloMet

    • CEDIC

      CEDIC delivers new multidisciplinary knowledge for a complex, digital society, with a combined focus on public policy and institutional factors, technological, ethical and legal factor, socio-material structures and local practices.

    • Universal Design of ICT (UD-ICT)

      The research group focuses on better understanding of the ICT challenges faced by diverse users in diverse situations, and also designs, develops and evaluates ICT systems with users to ensure universal design.

  • More about Intelligent Health focus areas

    • Artificial intelligence in healthcare

      At OsloMet we work on developing algorithms and models using machine learning tailored towards applications in medical research that will help to solve the challenges in the healthcare sector.

    • Biotechnology

      Researchers at OsloMet work to develop methods and critically assess the usefulness of biomarkers in diagnostics and treatment, personalized medicine and large-scale analyses.

    • Omics technology

      OsloMet researchers and research groups apply different omics-technologies to study the molecules of life, how their variation affects their functions, how they are generated and decay.

    • Intelligent Health focus areas

      Through collaborating across disciplines and sectors, we will ensure that research and innovation within health and technology remains user- and problem-oriented.

    • Sensor technology in healthcare

      Sensors are devices that react and respond to various stimuli, such as biochemical, electrical, or mechanical signals. OsloMet uses and develops sensors to gather health related data.