Norwegian version

The libraries

Director and staff


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Health Sciences Library (P32)

Opening hours, address and contact information​​​​​​



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The library resources cover Health Sciences. Included in our collection you will find the following curriculum, academic books, periodicals, official publications and student theses.

Equipment and other services for the visually impaired.

The Health Sciences Library covers the following subjects: nursing, bioengineering, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic engineering, paramedicine, radiography, dental technology.

Included in our collection you will find curriculum, periodicals, academic books, official publications and student theses.

Reading rooms and work spaces

In the anatomy room you will find a collection of anatomy models, plans, computers and work spaces. Students and employees with the Norwegian subject "Anatomi i fagkretsen" have access to the room.


Library P35

Opening hours, address and contact information



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The library resources cover the following subjects: Public Management, Social work, Business, Engineering, Computer Science, welfare and labour research. Included in our collection you will find the following curriculum, periodicals, academic books, official publications, student theses and standards.

Equipment and other services for the visually impaired

Library P48

Opening hours, address and contact information​​​​​​


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The library resources cover the following subjects: Art and design, Archivistics, Library and Information Science, Journalism and Media Studies, Teacher Education and International Studies. Included in our collection you will find the following curriculum, periodicals, academic books, official publications, student theses, fiction, children’s and young adult literature, poetry, comics, movies, plays and audiovisual equipment.

Library Kjeller

Opening hours, address and contact information​​​​​​



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The library resources cover the following subjects: Behavioral Science, Health, Nutrition and Leadership, Nursing, Vocational Teacher Education, and Product Design. Included in our collection you will find the following curriculum, periodicals, academic books, official publications, student theses, fiction and movies.

Equipment and other services for the visually impaired.

Rules of conduct

The staff are here to greet you with respect, friendliness and openness. Rules of conduct at the University Library.

Published: 29/10/2019 | University Library