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Katriina Byström

Katriina Byström



Biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap


Informasjonspraksiser   Arbeidsplasslæring   Task-based information seeking and retrieval   Interaktiv information retrieval   Information på arbetsplatser   Information management




Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Byström, Katriina ; Norkin, Svetlana ; Omole, Adesua (2024). Informasjonsflyt og selvbestemmelse i tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Johnsen, Åge; Helge, Svare (Red.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.

Norkin, Svetlana ; Byström, Katriina (2023). Gatekeeping structures and trust development in public sector organizations. Journal of Documentation.

Byström, Katriina (2023). From Paperless Offices to Peopleless Offices: The Effects of Enforced ICT Usage During Covid-19 Lockdowns on Workplace Information Practices. Yang, Shengnan; Xiaohua, Zhu; Pnina, Fichman (Red.). The Usage and Impact of ICTs during the Covid-19 Pandemic. s. 221-247. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003231769-13

Bøyum, Idunn ; Byström, Katriina ; Pharo, Nils (2021). Is the reference desk used for reference interviews. Reference Services Review. Vol. 49.

Hult, Helena Vallo; Byström, Katriina (2021). Challenges to learning and leading the digital workplace. Studies in Continuing Education.

Lykke, Marianne; Bygholm, Ann Kathrin Meiland; Søndergaard, Louise Bak; Byström, Katriina (2021). The role of historical and contextual knowledge in enterprise search. Journal of Documentation.

Bøyum, Idunn ; Byström, Katriina (2020). Bibliotekaren som rettleiar: Kompetanseutvikling og erfaringsdeling i eit akademisk bibliotek. Evjen, Sunniva; Olsen, Heidi Kristin; Tveit, Åse Kristine (Red.). Rød mix: Ragnar Audunson som forsker og nettverksbygger. s. 121-143. ABM-media AS.

Isah, Esther Ebole; Byström, Katriina (2020). The mediating role of documents: information sharing through medical records in healthcare. 20 s. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 76.

Gullbekk, Eystein; Byström, Katriina (2019). Becoming a scholar by publication – PhD students citing in interdisciplinary argumentation. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 75.

Byström, Katriina ; Kumpulainen, Sanna (2019). Vertical and horizontal relationships amongst task-based information needs. Information Processing & Management.

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