Human og veterinærmedisinsk fysiologi
Farmasi Fysiologi Farmakologi Metabolisme Diabetes Intracellulær signalformidling Trening Ekstracellulære vesikler
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Aas, Vigdis
; Øvstebø, Reidun; Brusletto, Berit; Aspelin, Trude; Trøseid, Anne-Marie Siebke; Qureshi, Saba; Eid, Desima Shitandi Otundo; Olstad, Ole Kristoffer; Nyman, Tuula Anneli; Foss Haug, Kari Bente
Distinct microRNA and protein profiles of extracellular vesicles secreted from myotubes from morbidly obese donors with type 2 diabetes in response to electrical pulse stimulation.
19 s.
Frontiers in Physiology.
Vol. 14.
Mengeste, Abel Mulu; Nikolic, Natasa; Dalmao Fernandez, Andrea; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Nyman, Tuula Anneli; Kersten, Sander; Haugen, Fred; Kase, Eili Tranheim;
Aas, Vigdis
; Rustan, Arild Christian; Thoresen, G. Hege
Insight Into the Metabolic Adaptations of Electrically Pulse-Stimulated Human Myotubes Using Global Analysis of the Transcriptome and Proteome.
21 s.
Frontiers in Physiology.
Vol. 13.
Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Norheim, Frode Amador; Haugen, Fred; Feng, Yuan Zeng;
Tunsjø, Hege
; Thoresen, G. Hege; Rustan, Arild Christian;
Charnock, Colin
Aas, Vigdis
The effect of toll-like receptor ligands on energy metabolism and myokine expression and secretion in cultured human skeletal muscle cells.
13 s.
Scientific Reports.
Vol. 11.
Aas, Vigdis
; Thoresen, G. Hege; Rustan, Arild; Lund, Jenny
Substrate oxidation in primary human skeletal muscle cells is influenced by donor age.
Cell and Tissue Research.
Vol. 382.
Nikolic, Natasa;
Aas, Vigdis
Electrical pulse stimulation of primary human skeletal muscle cells.
Methods in molecular biology.
Vol. 1889.
Lund, Jenny; Ouwens, D. Margriet; Wettergreen, Marianne; Bakke, Siril Skaret; Thoresen, G. Hege;
Aas, Vigdis
Increased glycolysis and higher lactate production in hyperglycemic myotubes.
14 s.
Vol. 8.
Lund, Jenny;
Aas, Vigdis
; Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Van Hees, Alfons; Nikolic, Natasa
Utilization of lactic acid in human myotubes and interplay with glucose and fatty acid metabolism.
Scientific Reports.
Vol. 8.
Nikolic, Natasa; Görgens, Sven W.; Thoresen, G. Hege;
Aas, Vigdis
; Eckel, Jürgen; Eckardt, Kristin
Electrical pulse stimulation of cultured skeletal muscle cells as a model for in vitro exercise - possibilities and limitations.
Acta Physiologica.
Vol. 220.
Aas, Vigdis
Gedde-Dahl, Ane
; Tingstad, Ragna Husby;
Charnock, Colin
Tarmfloraen - på helsa løs.
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT).
Vol. 123.
Aas, Vigdis
; Lund, Jenny; Kase, Eili Tranheim; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Rustan, Arild; Thoresen, G. Hege
Blodglukosesenkende legemidler ved type 2-diabetes.
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT).
Vol. 123.